

  The White House says it's _1_ General John Allen's nomination to NATO commander. Now that he has been cleared of professional misconduct charges, or rather allegations. Allen came under Pentagon scrutiny as he became swept up in a sex scandal that _2_ retired General David Petraeus to resign as CIA director.
  A suicide bomber _3_ northern Iraq and an Iraqi military commander tells reporters a man detonated his explosive belt as mourners _4_ for a funeral at a mosque in the disputed city of Tuz Khormato. He says dozens of people were wounded.
  In New Jersey, voters overwhelmingly approve a Republican governor Christopher J. Christie's criticism of House GOP leaders holding up federal aid for victims of hurricane Sandy. That is according to new Quinnipiac University poll. NPR's S.V. Date has details.
  新泽西方面,投票者以压倒性多数同意支持共和党州长克里斯托弗?克里斯蒂的观点,克里斯蒂曾指责众议院的共和党领导人延误了飓风“桑迪”受害者的联邦救助。投票结果来自琴尼派克大学一项新的民调。NPR新闻的S.V. Date将带来详细内容。
  79% of voters support Christie's fierce _5_ his own party's congressional leadership, including 70% of New Jersey Republicans. Christie was urged by many Republicans to run for president last year but ultimately did not get in the race. He is seeking re-election to a second term as governor this November. The Quinnipiac poll finds that 68% of voters believe he deserves another term and that he leads potential Democratic challengers by 2 to 1 margins. The survey sampled more than 1,600 voters with a 2.4% margin of error. S.V. Date, NPR news.
  79%的投票者支持克里斯蒂对其所在政党国会领袖的猛烈攻击,其中包括70%的新泽西共和党人。去年许多共和党人鼓励克里斯蒂参加总统选举,但是最终他并未能获得选举机会。今年11月,克里斯蒂将寻求连任州长。琴尼派克大学的民调显示,68%的投票者认为,克里斯蒂应得到第二个任期,预计他以2比1的差数领先潜在的民主党候选人。调查对1600多名投票者进行取样,误差范围在2.4%左右。NPR新闻,S.V. Date报道。
  US stock is trading high with the Dow gaining 80 at 13,792; NADAQ up 15 points at 3158; S&P 500 up 3 at 1496.I am Lakshimi Singh. NPR news.
  1、clear of.洗清;扣除;逃出;脱离,和…毫无关系
  eg. It is not surprising that scientists have generally stayed clear of the question of ultimate authorship, of the final "uncaused cause.
  eg. We are finally clear of debt.
  eg. They were still not clear of all suspicion.
  2、funeral. 葬礼;麻烦事 adj. 丧葬的,出殡的
  eg:The funeral will be held in Joplin, Missouri.
  1、going ahead with 2、forced 3、has struck in
  4、were gathered 5、attacks on