

  From NPR news in Washington, I am Windsor Johnson. Democratic lawmakers in both houses of Congress have today introduced legislation that _1_ military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips. NPR's Craig Windham reports the measure would exclude more than 2,000 guns used for hunting and sporting purposes. One of the main sponsors of the bill, California Senator Dianne Feinstein, says polls show most Americans support an assault weapon's ban.
  “These weapons do not _2_ the streets of our towns or cities, in our schools, in our malls, in our workplaces, in our movie theaters.Enough is enough.” And Philadelphia police commissioner Charles Ramsey says the need for a ban _3_ by the massacre of young children in Newtown, Connecticut. “If the slaughter of 20 babies _4_ and hold your attention, then I give up.” But Feinstein and other lawmakers who back the ban say they know it faces an uphill battle in Congress. Craig Windham, NPR news, Washington.
  “这些武器不应该出现在我们的城镇或城市街道,我们学校,我们的购物中心,我们的工作场所及我们的电影院。适可而止吧。”而费城警察局长查尔斯?拉姆塞表示禁令的需要是在新城、康涅狄格屠杀年幼儿童的底线。 “如果屠杀20名婴儿还不能让你们引起注意,那我干脆放弃好了。”但支持这项禁令的费因斯坦和其他议员表示他们已经清楚在国会会面临着一场艰苦卓绝的斗争。NPR新闻,克雷格?温德姆,华盛顿报道。
  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta _5_ a ban on women serving in combat.At a Pentagon news conference today, Panetta says women have become an important part of the military's ability to succeed. “Female service members have faced the reality of combat, proven their willingness to fight and yes to die to defend their fellow Americans.” In a written statement, President Obama says this milestone reflects the courageous and patriotic service of women for more than two centuries of American history.
  国防部长帕内塔已经撤销了一项禁止女性参与战斗的法令。在今天的五角大楼新闻发布会上帕内塔表示女性已经成为军事成功的一种重要的因素。 “女性军人已经面临过现实的战斗,证明了她们高昂的斗志及以死来捍卫美国同胞的决心。”在一份书面声明中,奥巴马总统表示这一里程碑反映了美国历史两个多世纪以来女性的勇敢及爱国精神。
  1.legislation n.法律;法规
  eg:The new legislation is highy discriminatory.
  2.ammunition n.军火;弹药
  eg:There was no ammunition laid up in the storehouses.
  3.sponsor n.保证人;赞助者
  eg:Your sponsor may assist in organising this insurance.
  4.commissioner n.专员;委员
  eg:He is the high commissioner of this society.
  5.slaughter n.残杀;屠杀
  eg:He had no strong feelings about human slaughter.
  1、would ban 2、belong on 3、was underscored
  4、does not capture 5、has lifted