美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-03-11(在线收听

 Lawmakers in Crimea declared their intention to split from Ukraine and join Russia instead, and scheduled a referendum in 10 days for voters. President Barack Obama says a referendum would violate international law.

A witness testified that Oscar Pistorius was weeping and praying after shooting his girlfriend, struggling to help her breath as she laid dead or dying. The double amputee runner at times said with his head covered during testimony at his murder trial.
The sister of a pregnant woman who drove her SUV into the ocean in Florida says her sister talked about demons before leaving the house. Soon after the woman drove into the ocean, bystanders and officers rescued her children ages 3, 9 and 10.
2 advocacy groups have urged the Girl Scouts to end their partnership with Barbie and manufacture Mattel. The partnership includes the first Girl Scout uniform patch with corporate sponsorship. The groups says it would transform members into walking advertisements.
Bob McCall, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.