美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-03-17(在线收听

 1. President Barack Obama says the US and world will be forced to ratchet up the pressure if Russia doesn't change its path in Ukraine. The

president met with Ukraine's new prime minister as a referendum approaches in Crimea on whether to leave Ukraine and join Russia federation.
2. 2 people are dead, more than 20 have been injured, more than a dozen people are missing after an explosion possibly triggered by a gas leak
leveled 2 buildings in New York Harlem neighborhood.
3. Arizona governor Jane Brewer has Brewer months of speculation by announcing she won't be seeking a third term in office. She got national attention
several times in recent years, over controversies regarding immigration, health-care and gay right.  
4. A Nobel peace prize in the 1930s is heading to the auction block in New York city. It was awarded to Argentina's former minister in 1936 for his
role ending a war between Paraguay and Bolivia.