NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-03-11(在线收听

 President Obama will meet with interim Ukrainian President * this week to talk about the ongoing crisis in Crimea. NPR's Nathan Rott reports.

White House deputy national security adviser * says the meeting will focus on the US's continued support for the Ukraine government politically and economically. The US has offered a $ 1 bn aid package to Ukraine. Meanwhile, Lincoln says US and international sanctions against Russia for its military involvement in Crimea are having an effect.  
The financial markets in Russia have hit lows, the ruble has hit a low, investors are wondering whether they get involved in Russia because of the instability.
Lincoln spoke on the NBC's Meet The Press. * is expected to arrive on the US on Wednesday. Nathan Rott, NPR News.
A multi-national search is continuing for a missing Malaysia Airlines jet that went missing shortly after take-off two days ago. The plane was travelling from Malaysia to China Saturday morning local time. NPR's Anthony Kuhn is in Beijing. He reports family members of passengers are anxious for answers. 
I was with many of these families in a Beijing hotel. A lot of them are frustrated at the information just trickling into them. Some of them issued a statement today, saying their calling on the authorities and the airline to give them the whole story. They don't feel like they getting the straight truth. Many of them are now packing up and preparing to go to Malaysia, where they hope they will be closer to the plane when it's found, and closer to the source of information that's coming out. NPR's Anthony Kuhn reporting from Beijing.
A marathon spelling bee in Jackson County Missouri is finally over.  
Definition, D-E-F-I-N-I-T-I-O-N, definition.
Seventh grader Kush Sharma has been declared the winner, with fifth grader Sophia Hoffman taking second place. Sharma says he did his best to keep cool during the competition. 
They are just sure to keep adult away, you know, like all the seize the word. This is how you spell it, you know, and so just try to keep calm and think about what that really is.
This spelling duel between the two began a couple of weeks ago, and lasted through nearly 100 rounds, 29 of them yesterday alone. The students say they plan to compete again next year, and wouldn't be surprised if their duel lasted even longer. 
The owner of * Detroit lines and the man who helps steer Ford motor company for decades, has died. *, was the last surviving grandson of company founder *. Ford motor company released a statement today, saying Ford senior died of pneumonia at his home. He was 88.  
This is NPR.
For the first time in 23 years, a men's college basketball team will head into the NCAA tournament with a defeated record. Wichita State defeated Indiana state 83-69 Sunday afternoon to win the Missouri valley conference tournament. Greg Allen reports from member station KCUR. 
Wichita State earned not about the berth to the NCAA tournament, at the same time, the Shockers ended the * unbeaten team's going into college basketball premiere event. They reached the final four last year, and they are now 34-0 after the winner of Indiana state. Shockers' coach * praised his team. 
They are just fine young gentlemen. And they also happen to be extraordinarily talented, and they’re taking us on some crazy magic carpet ride. So it's really cool.
The last team to head into the NCAA tournament with unbeaten record was in Las Vegas 1991. 
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