NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-03-13(在线收听

 From npr news in Washington, I am Jack Spear, as the searching for missing Malaysia airline continues, answers remain short of supply, the 777-200 disappeared from contact almost 4 days ago, speak the cancellor former relations today,  Director John said when the plane located they may know more, clue is still mistery which is very disturbing until we can actually find out where the aircraft is, we might have opportunities to do the frequency nanlysis that will lead us to the right direction. despite a massive searching operation  including the us navy and half a dozen of other countries efforts, there is no trace of the mh 370 air plane or 239 people on board have been found.

The court Marshal of an army general charged with sexual assult has been placed on hold as lawyers tried to renegotiate the poli bargo, npr reports the military judge oversee the case give artoney the option after determining the rejection of previous pre offer poverty influnced by political concerns, xx Jeffer Jeferson has offered in December to plead guilt to less charges and retire xxx drain, exchange for dismissed charges he sexually assult the captain who used to under his command, Pual rule the military official rejected the offer dicussed a letter from an capitain atterney waining that failing to put some clary on trail can send the wrong siginal, under the military code of justice, the decision of the poli offer was supporsed to be decided sololy on the evidance of the case, since xxx play guilty to three less charge last week, the atterney may ask now the Pual to withdraw those pleases in favor of what ever new deal could reach, npr news. 
the senator passed a bill to end tax payers fund political conventions, npr reports the legislation also requested money saved going to additional research for xxx diseases, Dept posal which passed unanimous the senator repeals the use of tax payers money for conventions, and called the 126 million dollars saved to be directed towards researching PDS cancer Down sydrome and other disoders, funded by the national institute of health has taken a head after automatic cross the board spending cut might into affect tax payers money that helps pay for the convetions now comes into individual who choose to contribute a few dollars on the federal income charge, the legislation just passed now heading to president Obama for signature, the bill was named after Gill miller, a ten years girl for Virginir, died last October, xxx, npr news from the capital. 
xx leading the international economic body, globe growth is remain sluggish, at the slowdown much of the developing world, the cut the growth in Europe and US, xxx the organization for economic coorperation and development in emerging market appeared to experiencing a market loss xxx so the expection global economy is expected to run at 3 % this year, 
On Wall street, the Dow down67.9, the NASDA was 27 point today, you are listening to NPR, EU could annouced as soon ad Monday sanctions may be prepared to impose against Russia as the country ecouraged the independenc of Ukrain Crimea pennisula, the EU government apparantly are more divided over how punishing Moscow French and British deplomatics supporting together the second round of sanction on top of the initial round of last week,such sanctions may include the travel ban the freezing asset those responsible for promoting instablity in the penisular of Crimea. 
Inspector responsible by  a group of wester retailers have released first batch reports on Bagaladesh gumer industry, the reports came nearly a year after the positive clash building 111 workers,  in December, a team of engineers began to visiting factories of Gum sector, they were sent by the Bagalasdesh court  foundation which responsed by 150 us retailers, the fundation has said the first inspection has turned out no issues of serious round plaza, but they did find numors of fire and instruction problems at the real fashion where  factory and faca for example  were cracking, the ceiling, illegal roof top structures, poorly invented electrical transformers and fire stires not separated from  more spaces, inspections will continue next month, 