美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-03-02(在线收听

 Inside Arizona, governor Jan Brewer's decision to veto the controversial SB1062 Bill, and ? of conversation was ? by justification. Let's get started.

Arizona governor Jan Brewer's long-away decision on SB1062. The passage of it touching of a major backlash with a big name calling for a veto. Arizona's ? Republican US center ? presidential candidate Mitt Romney, ? computer, ? baseball, ? airline are warning this will hurt business in the State of Arizona in jobs. ? Brewer. She got the Bill on Monday just minutes ago she went before the cameras. Listen.
Senate Bill 1062 does not adress specific or ? concern related to religious liberty and Arizona. I have not heard one example in Arizona where business owners' religious liberty has been violated. The Bill has broadly worded and can result in unintended and negative consequences. Every ? all of the arguments I have vetoed Senate Bill 1062 moments ago.
? is at the state capital ? now, so we just heard the government statement. There have been crowds out there for several days. How do people react around you?
They've began chanting. They were chanting veto one moment, and they were chanting "Thank you, Jan" the next. ? gather over near the senate building here at the legislature. They are listening to democratic legislator now make an announcement there in front of the senate here in Arizona. In normals ?, this has been vetoed. Not a huge surprise revokes though, given the way ? has ? the way. Members of the senator we spoke to today who had met with the governor said that she expresses surprise and concern that had been seemed to be rushed through both the house and the senate so quickly. She wanted to understand how they got these places and you heard her statement tonight, saying very unequivocally that there is no reason for this and she veto the Bill outright. There was a previous Bill last year, almost as exactly the same as this one that she vetoed on other grounds. This time she's clearly come out in very very clear ? and vetoed the substance of this particular Bill.
? is exclusive with ?. His movie has focused on topics that some people would prefer not to talk about such as race relations here near his city and hometown. Now ? is waiting on a subject of justification. Always many cities in this countries will be transforming these people with high incomes in many cases many from a white moving to neighbour previous home to those with lower income. Many of them are African-American.
Speaking a student last night at the ? institute in Brooklyn, the non-? is changing ? city in ? Brooklyn itself for he was raised. Listen.