美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-03-22(在线收听

 Happy to have you watch on this world wide Wednesday March 19, I am Carol Lerzu from cnn student news, first the maps on your class room wall and in your geography book may be changing, yesterday Russia president Putin signed a treaty that makes Crimea to be part of Russia, his actions followed Sunday vote in Crimea, Crimean residents overwhelmingly choosing fleet away from Ukraine and joining Russia, the Russia leader says he wont put any pressure for any further division of Ukraine. But the move is unacceptable to the EU and the US, vice president Joe Biden called Russia’s actions a land grab. the us and eu has put sanctions limiting the rights of certain Russia officials and threatening more sanctions against Russia over Ukraine.

12 years ago the US congress  signed a military review, trying to find out if the American troops who served in combat in decades ago might been passed over for the mental honor because they were Spanish or Jewish, the investigation found 7 people including the Africa Americans who likely mood received the highest military decoration if not for their skin color, so yesterday in the white house president awarded 24 medals of honor most of them were people who were discriminated  and served in world war II, the Korea war and Vietnam, the president says their courage almost defines imagination,  21 of the medal were awarded passed away, for the three receiptiant were still alive it is the honor decades in the making. 
Tough time for the general motors, the maker of Buick,Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC is recalling more than 1 and half vehicles, it believe a flaw in the  xxx switch which has lead dozens of crashes and the death of at least 12 people, because this problem made date back years the recall were just issued last month, the company is being accused of dragging its fee in addressing the issue and a lot the heat is on the GM first female leader. She is the ceo center of the huge auto safety nightmare, just two months on the job, Marry heading on GM massive xxx which recall and the stakes could be higher. this past lasting she wants to have in her first TV just couple months on the job. GM is part of my blood, that is the first women in US to head a car company but she has climbing the GM ladder for over thirty years, Barral says she became aware of the safety issues in a few weeks ago and said the GM recall without hesitation, but GM own recorders show its engineers are aware of the problem earlier in 2004 the company said and quoted the cronolagy showed that the process employed to examine the phenomena  was not as a robot as she can, and for this reason Barrla 's long term insider status could pose a top spot, it is going to be difficult for her may be distance herself from this crisis because she can just come out and say well this was under someone else watch. Ending to Barral problem, a justice department and criminial probe  whether GM hide the evidance about defects upcoming hearing on capital hill as well as law suit from victims family and its shareholders. as toyota found out four years ago  during its mess recall unintended vihcle acceleration, ocngress like to go for the xxx , it shadowed me deeply that shames some where along the way public safety decreased the value as profit margins soared, toyota shares tumbled during its crisis as did their reputation, GM investor are clearly worry here falling more than 15 percent this year. Crisis management experts say the quicker barras beats out  the better , that the trical information that keeps coming the headlines, the company will be better off, getting all many of the facts out of the possibly carry to the transparency  has to get out there to the public. But some believe  GM layers might pour their cars close. the fact the company has announced the instititute is only investigation  means there are a lot of things trying to figure out, sure I think, 