这个世界上,除了聋子之外,本来就没有听力问题!本来就不存在听力问题! 疯狂英语的秘诀:你一定能听懂你能说出的东西! 你只管去大量地练习说,只要“发音纯正”、“用法地道”,你的听力自然突破!(特别注意这两个“前提条件”!) 而且采用的是“超级三最法”,比外国人说得还快,难道还怕听不懂吗? 就象我们从小长大,从来没有练习过听力,从来没有戴上耳机进过“所谓的”听力训练教室,但我们的中文听力是世界一流的。 结论:我们的听力和口语应该是“同步成长”的!能说出来的就能听懂,能听懂的就能说出来! 解决中国人听力问题的“最终办法”是:发音和口语过关! 有关听力突破的详细阐述,请参阅李阳疯狂英语的王牌教材《听力成功之路》。
经典初中听力 W: Are you reading the newspaper, Sandy? M: No, I’m doing my homework now. I’ll watch the football match on TV later on. Q: What’s the boy doing now? A: He’s doing his homework. 【上海中考听力】
经典高中听力 W: Tom’s mother told me that he was in the hospital. M: He left the hospital yesterday and he’ll go to class tomorrow. Q: Where is Tom now? A: At home.
经典六级听力 W: Good morning. I’m here to see Mr. Addison.【上门拜访用语】 M: Mr. Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference and he will be back on Thursday night. If you like, you may come again on Friday morning. Q: When will Mr. Addison return? A: On Thursday night.【1997年大学英语六级】