英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-03-31(在线收听

 An Australian navy ship fitted with a black box detector will join the search for the missing Malaysian Airline's jet today. An Australian military plane spotted four origin objects in the ocean during yesterday's search. Meanwhile, relatives of some of the Chinese passengers on board the plane have arrived in Kuala Lumpur , demanding answers from Malaysian authorities. 

A search resumes this morning for a fishing support ship missing in the southern Indian Ocean near Antarctica. The Australian Maritime Safety Authorities sent two planes to the area yesterday after the boat activated its emergency distress beacon. Some debris has been sighted, but there was no sign of the Tanzanian-flagged boat. 
The International Court of Justice hands down its judgement tonight on Australia's whaling case against Japan. Australia has argued the Japanese whale hunt is not a scientific program, but it's just really a cover for commercial whaling. 
New research shows there's been an increase in the number of underground website, selling illegal drugs to Australians. U.S. law enforcement agencies shut down the notorious Silk Road website back in October, but the National Drug and Alcohol Research Center says there're dozens of more websites now vying to replace it.
And France's far right National Front looks set for its biggest ever victory in local elections. The polls have now closed and the National Front is on track to claim 1,200 council seats.