英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-04-07(在线收听

 Outgoing Labor Senator Mark Bishop has lashed out at his party over its very poor showing in WA senate re-election re-run. Senator Bishop called the carbon tax a fail tax and questioned why Labor continued to defend the policy. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he's confident of repealing the fixed carbon price.

A father and son have been shot in a targeted attack in inner Sydney last night. Police were called to Pyrmont about half past ten and they found a man with a gun-shot wound to his head and another man who was shot to his back. In a separate incident, shots were fired into a house in Sydney's west, but there were no injuries there.
The search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 is being diverted after signals were detected  in the southern Indian Ocean. A Chinese ship has picked up two signals on the same frequency used by black box locators and an Australian search vessel also detected an acustica convent about 300 nautical miles north of the Chinese ship. 
Australia has deployed aircraft to the Solomon Island to assist with the cyclone relief effort. At least 20 people have been killed and thousands of people remain homeless. 
A roadside bomb has hit a truck carrying ballot boxes in northern Afghanistan, killing three people. More than 7 million Afghans defy threats of violence to vote in presidential elections at the weekend. Official results are not expected for several weeks.