美国文化脱口秀 第110期:不同地区的美国人(在线收听


  1. stereotype 模式化的印象
  2. The American South 美国南方:
  slow, friendly, enjoy life, "Southern hospitality", Southern twang
  3. They talk slowly, they move slowly, some people think slowly. But they're friendly. 他们讲话慢,行动慢,有些人思维也很慢。但是他们对人很友好。
  4. "I'm from the South. We talk like this." 我是南方人,我们说话就是这样的。
  5. But Florida has a special reputation. Florida has a reputation that it's full of crazy people.
  6. New England (Northeast) 纽英格兰地区(Massachusetts, New York, Boston, etc.):
  quite serious, hard-working, sophisticated, snobbish
  7. They're very busy all the time; they don't have time to slow down like Southern people. 他们总是很忙,没时间像南方人一样慢生活。
  8. You can't take it easy. 你不能放松自己。
  9. West Coast 西海岸:
  rich, relaxed, innovative
  10. So in Califonia, people have a lot of money, but they're not as busy as in New York. They're much more relaxed. 加州的人很有钱,但是不像纽约人那么忙。
  11. They are doing things, like they are making money, so I think they're busier than the Southerners, you know, by reputation. But they are not uptight like East Coast people.
  12. Yeah, because Silicon Valley is in California too. 是啊,而且硅谷也在加州啊。
  13. Right, so they also feel that they're the center of America culture. 对,对已他们也觉得自己是美国文化的中心。
  14. They both think that way. 他们两边都这么觉得。
  15. The Mid-West 中西部地区:
  simple, traditional, nice
  16. Some of that is close, but the Mid-West is more towards the north. (西部和中西部)有些地区很近,但是中西部地区更靠北。
  17. Like people in New York don't care about the Mid-West. 比如纽约人就不在中西部地区的人啊。
  18. And the north part of the Mid-West, they're very much like the Canadians, like Minnesota, that kind of the place.
  19. You guys make fun of them ALL THE TIME. 你们一直拿(加拿大人)开玩笑啊!
  20. They're easy-going, so they're easy to make fun of. 他们很随和,所以拿来开玩笑也不会生气。
  21. That's what we think of the Canadians. They are too nice. 这就是我们对加拿大人的印象,他们人太好了。
  22. And their police ride horses. I think that's pretty funny. 而且他们的警察还骑马,这个太搞笑了。