2-9 英国人的一日三餐(在线收听

English Meals


The writer Somerset Maugham1 observed that one could eat very well in England, simply by having breakfast -- three times a day. Although the great English home cooked breakfast a feast of bacon, eggs, sausages, grilled2 tomatoes, mushrooms, kidneys, kippers3,and so on -- has given way to a belief that instant coffee and cornflakes must be healthier, it is still available all day and night at motorway service stations.


Roast beef, lamb or pork with vegetables and roast potatoes are still the nation’s favourite choice for “a proper meal.” Potatoes form an important constituent of the main meal of the day. The average person gets through 100 kilos of them every year. Much of this is in the form of crispy snacks and, of course, chips with fish, burgers, and other fried foods or just on their own with salt and vinegar.


Most people wouldn’t consider a meal finished unless they had a pudding -- steamed jam roll, apple pie, treacle4 pudding, strawberry tart5. The unwary6 should take care with “Yorkshire” and “black” puddings. The first is eaten with roast beef, and the second a blood sausage.


In spite of their tastes becoming more sophisticated, the English still treasure the sandwich. They were once content with no more than a cheese and chutney7 filling, but these days the sandwich can contain anything from smoked salmon and cream cheese to chicken.


As the interest in foreign food has grown, so have the choices. The supremacy8 of French and Italian fare is now challenged by others -- Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Spanish, Russian, American. There are even restaurants specialising in English food. One highly successful example in London calls itself “School Dinners.” There tired and overwrought9 businessmen can enjoy such old fashioned fare as bread and butter pudding, all served by well-developed girls wearing school uniforms.



1.Somerset Maugham [5sQmEsit5mC:m] 萨默塞特·毛姆(18741965,英国小说家,因洞察而怀疑人类的善良和智力,作品基调愤世嫉俗,著有长篇小说《人间的枷锁》、《大吃大喝》等,其短篇小说尤脍炙人口)

2.grill [^ril] vt. (在烤架等上面)烤炙

3.kipper [5kipE] n. 腌晒(或熏制)的鲱鱼

4.treacle [5tri:kl] n.〈英〉(尤指炼制蔗糖时产生的)糖浆;糖蜜

5.tart [tB:t] n.〈主英〉果馅饼

6.unwary [5Qn5wZEri] adj. 不谨慎的;粗心的;易上当的

7.chutney [5tFQtni] n. 印度酸辣酱(一种用水果、胡椒、糖、醋等制成的调味品)

8.supremacy [sju5premEsi] n. 霸权地位;最高地位;优势

9.overwrought [5EuvE5rC:t] adj. 过于劳累的;因过度兴奋而疲惫的








