第一册课本听力(上)Unit12 integrating skills(在线收听

  Tom stopped.What was the noise?He put his hand on Pete's shoulder."Did you hear that?"he whispered.They both listened carefully.The noiseseemed to be coming from the room behind the statue in front of them.It sounded like a woman crying. They looked at the statue. It was a strange creature with red eyes--it was almost as if the creature was watching them.Tom suddenly felt cold.He remembered what his father had told him about the secrets of the church.He knew that the church had many secret rooms and that not all of them were safe.If only they could get the way to find the room,or whatever it was,behind the wall.The statue stood in front of the door and there was no waythey could get past it.Tom looked at the statue again.Strange!It looked as if the creature had moved.He was just about to say something when pete turned around."Tom,"he said,"I think i know a way in.""How?"Tom asked."It says on the statue that anyone who wants to enter the room must answer the question.""That sounds strange,"said Tom,"What question?""I don't know,"Pete said,"but…"He did not have time to finish what he was saying.The satue was moving! A deep voice came from the strange creature,"Listen carefuuly!You may enter the room if you know the answer to my question.""What is the question?"Pete asked. "It 's a secret,"the creature said." secret?"Pete said,"That's stupid!How can i give you an answer if the question is secret?"The creature spoke again,"Come here and I'll whisper the question in your ear. You will not remember the question tomorrow. If your answer is right,you may enter. If you answer is wrong,well, then you will be in trouble."Pete looked at Tom,"I'll try,"he said.He walked up to the creature and listened to the question. After a few minutes,he whispered the answer in the creature's ear.They both waited for something to happen."Are you sure you gave the right answer?"Tom asked.Pete did not have time to say anything.The satue moved to the side and the door opened up.Tom and Pete looked at each other.Tom was scared,"I guess we have to go in."They went pst the statue and…
