7-12 美国航空航天局成功试飞超高音速喷气机(在线收听

NASA Successfully Tests Hypersonic1 Jet


Three years after its first test flight ended in an explosion, NASA on March 27 successfully launched an experimental jet that the agency believes reached a record-setting speed of about 5,000 mph.


The unpiloted X-43A made an 11-second rocket boosted flight, then went through some twists and turns during a six-minute glide before plunging into the Pacific Ocean about 400 miles off the California coast.


Flight engineer Lawrence Huebner said preliminary data indicated the needle-nosed jet reached a maximum speed of slightly over seven times the speed of sound, or about 5,000 mph, after a rocket boosted it to about 3,500 mph. Huebner said it was the first time an “ air-breathing” jet had ever traveled so fast. The rocket powered X-15 reached Mach2 6.7 in 1967.


NASA built the X-43A under a 250 million program to develop and test an exotic type of engine called a supersonic-combustion3 ramjet4, or scramjet. In theory, the air-breathing engine could propel an airplane to speeds of Mach 7 or faster, enabling around-the-world flights that would take several hours. The Department of Defense also is working on the technology, which is eyeing for use in bombers that quickly could reach targets anywhere on the globe.


A third X-43A could fly as early as the fall.



1. hypersonic [7haipE(:)5sCnik] a.  超高音速的(指超过音速5倍以上的)

2. Mach [mB:k] (number) n.  马赫(),表示物体在介质(如空气)中的移动速度与音速之比,因此Mach6.7相当于音速的6.7

3. combustion [kEm5bQstFEn] n.  燃烧

4. ramjet [5rAmdVet] (engine) [] 冲压式喷气发动机










