10-2 一个英国人眼中的长城(在线收听

How Great Is Great Wall to a Briton


“If you haven’t been to the Great Wall, you aren’t a real man,” Mao Zedong once said. Indeed, so many real men, and women, are visiting the wall that the most popular sites outside Beijing are besieged1 by hordes2 of tourists in baseball caps and overrun with souvenir sellers. At Badaling, the most? visited section, there are hundreds of noodle shops and kitsch3 vendors4, a movie theater, two chairlifts, a Kentucky Fried Chicken, an imitation KFC and even an imitation Great Wall emblazoned5 with a replica6 of Mao’ s quote in his own calligraphy7.

This excessive development is disillusioning to many who visit, but for William Lindesay, a Briton who has devoted much of his adult life to exploring and studying the Great Wall, it is tantamount8 to sacrilege9. “For me, the Great Wall is the wonder of the world. Just the Ming Dynasty Wall dwarfs10 the Three Gorges dam project,” Lindesay says. “It has bricks that weigh 26 pounds, stones that took eight men to carrythe amount of labor invested in it makes it almost sacred.”

Lindesay, 46, says his passion for the wall dates from 1986, when he made the first of several attempts to run its length, by himself, with no support team. Dysentery11, dehydration12 and bone fractures thwarted him, but in 1987 he successfully ran 2,500 kilometers of the Great Wall, despite being caught in an area closed to foreigners and deported13 to Hong Kong in midtrip. That adventure, recorded in his book Alone on the Great Wall, made Lindesay intimately familiar with the wall and its geography. It also gave him a vocation the preservation of wild areas around the wall and its surrounding “wallscape” in the Beijing vicinity14.

Lindesay’s initial effort, a cleanup at one section of wild wall outside the capital, received considerable attention from a number of Beijing newspapers. That reception reassured Lindesay that his efforts to help preserve the wall would be welcomed, rather than criticized as interference from foreigners. It also motivated him to use garbage collecting as a platform for addressing larger problems. “In the course of directing this small wall conservation program,” he says, “I’ve realized that we are moving too slowly; the issues are too complex and we need more financing to handle them in a timely and efficient way.”

So, to attract financing and other support, Lindesay worked with the Cultural Relics Bureau here to apply to have the Beijing area wall included in the World Monuments Fund 2002 list of the “ World’ s 100 Most Endangered Sites.” The application was accepted and Lindesay will now apply to the fund for a 50,000 grant, which he hopes to use to clean up Huanghuacheng, an area of the wall that was still wild only five or six years ago but has since fallen victim to tourism and illegal construction.

He also founded International Friends of the Great Wall, a group that he hopes will become a force in the battle to protect the wild areas of the wall near Beijing from further damage.

“What does protecting the Great Wall mean?” Lindesay says. “Most Chinese authorities see this as cementing it up, making it stable and bringing in the infrastructure required by modern tourism. Tourism is an important part of the economy and it will become more so. But, the Great Wall is a record of history, of the conflicts between nomads15and sedentary16peoples. It’s a part of China’s geographyit’s marked on maps around the world. ‘Great’ is not an overstatement, it’s an understatement.”



1. besiege [bi5si:dV] vt. 拥在……周围,围住

2. horde [hC:d] n. [] (大)群,(人)群,一帮,一伙

3. kitsch [kitF] n. 矫揉造作,庸俗文学(或艺术)作品

4. vendor [5vendC:] n. 摊贩

5. emblazon [im5bleizEn] vt. 用纹章装饰,把纹章刻在……上

6. replica [5replikE] n. (尤指出于原作者之手或在其指导下制成的)艺术复制品,(尤指按比例缩小的)复制品,仿样,摹本

7. calligraphy [kE5li^rEfi] n. 书法,字体

8. tantamount [5tAntEmaunt] a. 等于的,相当于的

9. sacrilege [5sAkrilidV] n. 渎圣罪,渎圣行为

10. dwarf [dwC:f] vt.(由于对比或距离)使显得矮小,使相形见绌

11. dysentery [5disEntri] n. [] 痢疾

12. dehydration [7di:hai5dreiFEn] n. 脱水

13. deport [di5pC:t] vt. 把(外国人)驱逐出境

14. vicinity [vi5siniti] n. 周边地区,邻近地区

15. nomad [5nCmEd] n. 游牧部落一员

16. sedentary [5sedEntEri] a. (鸟等)不迁徙的,定栖的




毛泽东曾经说过:不到长城非好汉。 实际上,每天有无数男男女女登上了长城,当了回好汉。这个北京城外最著名的景点挤满了大群头戴棒球帽的游人,到处都是出售纪念品的小贩。在游客最多的八达岭,有几百家面馆和几百个出售庸俗艺术品的商贩,一个电影院、两条缆车道、一家肯德基餐厅、一家仿冒肯德基餐厅,甚至还有一段仿造长城,上面有毛泽东亲笔题词的复制品。






保护长城意味着什么? 林赛说,中国大多数的管理者认为就是把它铺上水泥,使它坚固,并且引入现代旅游业所需要的基础设施。旅游业是经济的一个重要部分,而且会越来越重要。但长城是历史的记录,是游牧民族同定居民族之间冲突的记录。它是中国地理的一部分——被标在全世界的地图上。伟大不是过分的说法,而是不够充分的说法。
