美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-04-09(在线收听

 natural but some of the staff swirling in them is not garbage, trash from natures short lines boats collected in currents swirling around the oceans, the India Ocean searching for missing Malaysia airlines passenger plane has been called the most difficult search in history, gyres of garbage making that search even harder you can see in our homes or round our homes it is a toy grenade ,here is a paper handle, here is a toilet from a baby, fleet flox,  not an item from a land field but from the ocean, more specifically the India ocean gyer a centrally a garbage pile a world with trash and overflowing with plastic the massive rotating currents spin counter clouwides, xx is the director of the research for the file gyres institute in California he says gyres are like plastic soup that is typical of what the material looks like  in 2010 he sailed through the India ocean gyre the same area the search team are looking for the dued flight 370 what we found there was things like dirty fishing the multicolor buyi, like the one that is behind me, our xx of bugs increased and sumer goods like bubbles, and bubble camps, bags and forks knives and there are so much stuff already there, so the aircraft is blending all that  that is one reason that locating such a plane is a challenge, satellites images once thought to be debris fields likely just floating garbage, a Chinese ship just this week in searching the airplane came across trash instead, even sea life can't tell the difference, fish, sea lyers birds, they all digest  this junck thinking it might be food, I heard they talk about this places, there are about 3 hundred pieces from the aircraft there 3 thousand pieces as the trash already there, the India ocean gyre is the only one that exists there are also two in the Pacific to the Atlantic they form when ocean currents bounced on the continent and created a vortex of swirling water which push debris on the shores to the center of the ocean, the gyre in the India ocean is thought to be about 2 million kilo square miles and keep in mind the entire US is just under 4 million square miles and this garbage package is huge also on the move about half a mile per hour, or about twelve miles per day, and it maybe carries part of the plane. 

The US xxx sketching the flight machine 1485 but call sea never flu in one, two french men climbed on board the first unt bluner 1783 but did not exactly powered even the Bright Brothers at the down of flight did not have to flight or peddle themselves you might think these folks comparing to the man you about to meet took the easy way up.