12-7 昆虫侦探(下)(在线收听

The Bug Detectives


Insects can accurately tell us when someone died. But their lifecycle is crucially affected by one factor above all: temperature. So sometimes, getting them to tell us their secrets is not so straightforward.


Dr. Martin Hall is a Research Entomologist1 at the Natural History Museum in London. Part of his expertise is determining how crimescene temperature affects the development of our insect witnesses. On a Monday morning in July 1999, Dr. Hall received a telephone call from the Essex police asking him if he could come up and look at a body that they had found in an old ammunition2 store. At the time the body was found there had been some tampering3 with the body and it was potentially a murder investigation. There were plenty of flies and maggots on it. The temperature in this underground bunker was very stable so this was in a way similar to the way the type of conditions that they would rear larvae4 in the laboratory at a constant temperature. If it had been found outside it would have been much more difficult to estimate the temperatures because of the fluctuations5.


Dr. Hall knew he could give the police an answer because the temperature was constant. The murder scene was like a laboratory. Forensic entomology could be completely accurate. There were many different stages of maggots on the body, even eggs as well. Obviously from the point of view of trying to estimate how long the body had been there the biggest maggots were the most useful because these would have been the oldest ones. So the first thing he did when Dr. Hall got the maggots back to the museum: a portion were reared up to confirm the identification and another portion were killed to measure their length and get an estimate of age based on that temperature.

When he measured the maggots and aged them Dr. Hall found out that the oldest ones were about 6 days old. At the time he made this study the police were not aware how long the body had been there, so his evidence was very helpful in pointing the police in what sort of time frame they needed to conduct their investigations.


Forensic entomology tends to be thought of just as maggots and murders, but there are many diverse ways in which insects can help. There was one very important case in which a seizure6 of cannabis7 was made in New Zealand and with the help of some of the people who work on beetles at the museum, the insects found on the cannabis were identified and a knowledge of their distribution pointed very clearly to Burma or Myanmar, and therefore the accused were faced with a much more serious penalty8 for importation of cannabis rather than having grown it locally.


In fact, the research has not reached the end -- there’s plenty more work to do. We would like to see that the development of forensic entomology makes it difficult for people to get away with their murders and of course most murderers like most people have never heard of forensic entomology.



1. entomologist [7entE5mClEdVist] n. 昆虫学家

2. ammunition [7Amju5niFEn] n. 军火,弹药

3. tamper [5tAmpE(r)] vi. 拨弄,胡乱摆弄

4. larva [5lB:vE] []-vae [-vi:]n. 幼虫,幼体

5. fluctuation [7flQktju5eiFEn] n. 波动,涨落,起伏

6. seizure [5si:VE(r)] n. 没收,扣押,查封

7. cannabis [5kAnEbis] n. 大麻

8. penalty [5penElti] n. 处罚,刑罚












