

Some South Africans Voice Discontent With Ruling ANC 南非出现反对执政党ANC的声音

JOHANNESBURG — South Africans are preparing for elections scheduled for May 7, and some former officials with the ruling ANC have called for a protest vote against the party during next week's balloting.  For millions of South Africans still living without basic services, change promised by Nelson Mandela's historic party is taking too long to occur. 

As they sing the praises of South African opposition leader Julius Malema and his party, the EFF, many of these red beret supporters used to sport different colors: those of Nelson Mandela's party, the ANC, which contributed to ending white minority rule 20 years ago.  After two decades in power, however, the ruling party has alienated some supporters who still don't see the improvements the historic liberation party promised them.

"I was supporting the ANC before. Service delivery, unemployment, crime, lots of things that are not happening.  The promises that are not delivered to the community.  That is one of the reasons that I've changed to EFF," said former ANC supporter Tifo Moeng.

Like Tifo Moeng, more and more South Africans are losing patience because of these issues.  While progress has been made, more than half the country's population still lives under the poverty line, and numerous violent protests across the country have happened in recent years.

Social tension peaked two years ago in the town of Marikana, resulting in police officers shooting dead more than 30 miners who were demanding salary increases.

More recently, anti-corruption protests erupted in the township of Bekkersdal, 50 kilometers from Johannesburg.  With no water, no electricity and shacks for permanent homes, most residents say nothing has changed in 20 years.

"I'm angry with the ANC. Always, ANC used to promise us everything : jobs, houses; but because of now we are going to vote, they promise us houses, said Buti Tale. "How many years, we are living here, in Bekkersdal? "

Buti Tale used to vote for the ANC but now votes for the main opposition party.  History lecturer Noor Nieftagodien said the ANC has been trying to improve people's lives, but not always in a sustainable way, and that is what contributes to people's current frustration.

"Gains made over the last 20 years have been significant.  The fact is more people now live in houses than ever before.  Now, that access is problematic.  The houses are not good houses.  People often get cut off from electricity.  Education is in a bad state There are gains, but the gains are being undermined.  And we're at the point where more and more people are coming to the conclusion that the gains that have been made by the new democracy and by the ANC are being reversed," he said.

Despite the discontent among some voters, a new poll shows the ANC is expected to win about 64 percent of the vote.


他们歌颂南非反对派领导人朱利叶斯?马勒马和他的政党,EFF(经济自由斗士党),这些红色贝雷帽支持者过去有许多支持不同的颜色:纳尔逊·曼德拉的政党, 即20年前结束了少数白人统治的ANC(非国大)。

但是二十年之后 ,执政党已经使一些支持者疏远了。他们仍然没有看到历史解放党所应许他们的改进。

“我之前支持ANC(非国大)。但是服务交付、失业、犯罪,很多事情都没有发生。许多承诺没有向社区兑现,这是我转向EFF(经济自由斗士党)的原因之一,” 前 ANC(非国大)的支持者Tifo Moeng说。

像Tifo Moeng一样,越来越多的南非人因为这些问题失去耐心。尽管已经取得了进展,但是仍有超过一半的人口生活在贫困线以下,而且近年来全国各地发生了无数的暴力抗议。



“我对ANC(非国大)非常生气。总是这样, ANC(非国大)承诺我们一切:工作,房子,而这只是因为现在我们要投票,他们承诺我们房子, Buti Tale说,“多少年了,我们生活在这里,在Bekkersdal?

Buti Tale过去支持ANC(非国大),但现在投票支持主要反对党。历史讲师努尔Nieftagodien说:“ANC(非国大)一直在努力改善人们的生活,但并不总是以可持续的方式,这就是导致人们当前的困境的原因。”


