英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-05-01(在线收听

 The government will release the much-anticipated commission of audit report today and it is expected to recommend some tough spending cuts. According to reports, it's likely to include a radical shake-up of government departments and a controversial proposal to include the family home in the pension assets test.

One of Northern Ireland's most prominent politicians Gerry Adams has been arrested over a murder more than 40 years ago. In 1972, the IRA abducted and shot mother of ten Jean McConville. The body wasn't found until 2003. The Sinn Fein leader has denied any involvement in her murder.
British actor Bob Hoskins has died of pneumonia. He was seventy-one. Bob Hoskins rose to fame for his performance in the film “Who frames Roger Rabbit”. He was nominated for best actor in 1977 for the crime drama Mona Lisa, playing opposite of Machael Kenn. He announced he was retiring from acting in 2012 after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
A state funeral will be held today for former New South Wales premier Neville Wran. He was the state's longest serving premier until Bob Carl surpassed his record. Speakers will include the former prime minister Paul Keating and former High Court judge Michael Kobe.
And the World Health Organization is warning that resistance to antibiotics poses a major threat to global health. He'd analysed data from more than 100 countries and says many of them, including Australia, are facing very serious problems. It says even simple infections are now becoming much harder to treat.