英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-05-08(在线收听

 Next Tuesday's budget will include a tax levy on high income owners. Federal cabinet has sought to push ahead the tax despite opposition from business groups and growing number coalition benchfronts. Chris Richard ... the Royal Access Economics, says it's just beginning tat he budget planning. 

To actually solve an ongoing budget problem you need tame deficit with it. That's why this government is reaching for things with taxes because the problem is really big. 
Chris...is there. 
Now Western Australia will be handing down its own budget today. The state's premier Collon Banet has warned it will be recently tough and has foreshaowed high fees and taxes. The state lost its triple A credit rating last year. The government is expected to detail plans for asset sale to help pay down debt. 
Angry supporters of Thailand's set prime minister Inluck are threatening a massive rally at the weekend. The country's constitutional court has removed her for abuse of power. The ruling follows a month of political deadlock with anti-government protests demanding that she step down. 
In a surprised development in the Ukrain crisis Russia's president Vladimir Putin has urged pro-Russian separatists to postpone never to succeed. Mr. Putin has also conditionally backed Ukrain's presidential election due to be held later this month. Western leaders have dismissed his latest comments as just hotile. 
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