英语听力:自然百科 走进西藏 tibet—14(在线收听

 Out on the plateau,new-born chiru are vulnerable to predators, so their mothers must try to hide and protect them. The most recent problem faced by the chiru is the new Tibet-Qinghai railway, which cuts right through their traditional migration routes. Running nearly 2,000 kilometres through some of the highest terrain on Earth, the railway is an astonishing technical feat. It's too early to see its effect on the wildlife, but the engineers have made efforts to incorporate underpasses where wildlife can cross the line in safety.

As the modern world increasingly impacts on Tibet, its traditions could be in danger of being eroded. But thanks to the sheer scale of this remote region, there are still many wild places that have so far remained largely intact.
The least explored area of all is found in Tibet's far south east. Here the Yarlung River, Tibet's longest, has carved through the Himalayas, allowing monsoon clouds from India to pass through. This is Tibet's most secret corner. According to legend, the Yarlung gorge was rendered magically invisible in the eighth century and can only be seen by those who have attained sufficient spiritual knowledge and wisdom. At two days' walk from the nearest road, this hidden region wasn't explored by outsiders until the 1990s.
Thanks to the annual monsoon, the whole landscape is covered in lush forest. The scale of the gorge is breathtaking. As the Yarlung River cuts through the mountains,it's created the world's deepest gorge,three times deeper than America's Grand Canyon.This vast and mysterious place provides a vital clue to Tibet's importance for the rest of the world.The monsoon which sustains this lush and fertile valley owes its very existence to the Tibetan plateau.