
Unit 7

After-Class Reading

PASSAGE I The Beatles[1]

Proper Names



Brian Epstein


Ella Fitzgerald

George Harrison

George Martin


John Lennon


Paul McCartney

Ringo Starr

New Words

v. write one's name on or in (something) 在(某物)上签名
e.g. I autographed a copy of one of my books.

n. quality 能力,才干

competent *
adj. having enough skill or knowledge to do something to a satisfactory extent 能干的

v. (usually derogative) view enviously and jealously 觊觎

n. the loss of a previously magical feeling 失望,不抱幻想

faint *
adj. weak, vague 模糊的,不明确的

melody *
n. tune 曲调,歌曲

n. 合作关系;伙伴关系

adj. unusual and attractive, especially in an old fashioned way 离奇有趣的;古色古香的

n. friendly agreement and understanding between people 融洽和谐的关系

The Beatles[1]

When John Lennon was murdered in 1980 outside his New York apartment by a young man for whom he had earlier autographed a record cover, it signaled the end of an era. The faint hope that one day the Beatles might get together again had gone forever, but, more importantly, gone were the optimism that they represented and the social consciousness that they spread.[2]
George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr formed the Beatles in Liverpool in 1960. Harrison, Lennon, and McCartney had gained experience playing at a club in Hamburg, Germany, but it was at the Cavern, in Liverpool, their home city, that the Beatles' career really began to take off.
Their first single record, "Love Me Do",[3] was released in October 1962. Four months later, their second, "Please, Please Me",<3> went straight into the top ten and soon reached the coveted number one spot, while their first LP[4] became the fastest-selling long-playing record of 1963. Although the group broke up, millionaires all,[5] in 1970, their records still sell over the world. What is it that made the Beatles special?
As a group they were competent, and their voices were pleasant, but this would not have been enough. They were probably lucky in their influences: the colorful Merseyside environment from which they sprang, combined with an admiration for Afro-American rhythm-and-blues[6]; also, they were fortunate in the rapport that they found with one another and with their audience while the songwriting partnership of Lennon and McCartney produced a stream of brilliant hits.
At first, their themes were precisely those that occupied and concerned their young audience: love, sorrow, good luck, bad luck, and the quaint characters that are always to be found in any big city. Later, they reflected the climate of the 1960s and sang of social inequality and political injustice. In addition, they created melodies that were rich and original enough to be played and sung by musicians of the caliber of Count Basie[7] and Ella Fitzgerald[8].
The Beatles were special because they believed in their own talents. They copied no one, and they were strong enough not to allow themselves to be destroyed by the overnight achievement of success beyond the reach of the imagination. In this they probably owed much to their record producer, George Martin, and their manager, Brian Epstein. The Beatles were also special because they were a strong positive force in a time of great social and political disenchantment. They were a voice for the young people of the time.

Phrases and Expressions

break up
e.g. He may have broken up with Pat, but he's always talking about her.

take off
suddenly start being successful
e.g. They need to expand the number of farmers who are involved if the scheme's going to really take off.

PASSAGE II Mozart Makes the Brain Hum

Proper Names

Frances H. Rauscher

Gorden L. Shaw


Katherine N. Ky


Murray Perahia

Phillip Glass

Radu Lupu

New Words

arousal *
n. stimulation 激励,鼓励

attributable *
adj. creditable 可归属或归因于某人(某事物)
e.g. The mess was directly attributable to a corrupt and incompetent official.

n. action or process of acquiring knowledge, by reasoning or by intuition or through the senses 认知;认识;认识力

complex *
adj. difficult to understand or deal with 难于理解或解释的;复杂的
e.g. It is a very complex problem to which there is no straightforward answer.

adj. uplifting 令人激动的,令人喜悦的

geometry *
n. (formal) the shape of an object or the relationship of its parts to each other 形状;几何构造

incidentally *
adv. (sentence adverb used to introduce something additional that the speaker has just thought of) by the way 顺便提一下
e.g. Incidentally, I wanted to have a word with you about your expense claim.

manuscript *
n. original draft or copy 手稿

adj. 神经生物学的

n. route or circuit 途经

pulse *
n. heartbeat 脉搏

v. write something quickly and untidily 匆匆或草草书写
e.g. I'll just scribble Dad a note /scribble a note to Dad to say we're going out.

n. solo or ensemble music with several movements contrasting in mood and speed 奏鸣曲

spatial *
adj. concerning the position, size, shape, etc. of things 空间的;有关空间的

Mozart Makes the Brain Hum

Can it be that the music of Mozart[1] is not only exalting but can also improve intelligence?
An experiment on students at the University of California at Irvine suggests that listening to 10 minutes of Mozart's piano music significantly improves performance in intelligence tests taken immediately afterwards. The finding is being reported today in the British scientific journal Nature [2] by researchers from the university
The researchers Found that after students listened to Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K. 448)[3], as performed by Murray Perahia and Radu Lupu[4], their test scores were on average eight or nine points higher than the scores the same students achieved after listening to a recorded message suggesting that"they imagine themselves relaxing in a peaceful garden or to silence". The effect was only temporary, however.
One researcher, Dr Frances H. Rauscher, said in an interview that all the students were asked about their tastes in music, and that although some liked Mozart and some did not, their test scores generally improved after the music session, with no measurable differences attributable to varied tastes.
The pulse rates of the subjects did not change under any of the test conditions, so physiological arousal was not a factor in the test scores, she said. "We are testing a neurobiological model of brain function with these experiments, which proposes certain neural filing patterns[5] in the brain," Dr Rauscher said. "We hypothesize that these patterns may be common in certain activities—chess, mathematics and certain kinds of music."
The researchers picked Mozart, she said, because of the complex, highly structured and non-repetitive character of his music. "Listening to such music may stimulate neural pathways[6] important to cognition;" Dr Rauscher said, adding, "incidentally, Mozart himself often scribbled numbers and mathematical expressions on his manuscript scores[7]."
Thirty-six students, half of them men and half of them women, took part in the experiment. After each listening period they were given standard nonverbal I.Q. tests of spatial reasoning, involving questions about the geometry of paper objects shown as they would look after being folded or cut.
Dr Rauscher said researchers in her group, including Dr Gordon L. Shaw and Katherine N. Ky, intended to test the effects of other kinds of music, like rock and the minimalist music[8]of the contemporary composer Phillip Glass[9], for example. They also plan to test preschool children and subjects with and without musical training.
Does the group expect controversy?
"You bet[10]," Dr Rauscher said. "But we are not insisting on any conclusions yet."

Phrases and Expressions

insist on
refuse to accept an alternative 坚决主张
e.g. The company insists on the highest standards for its supplies.

take pride in
be proud of
e.g. She took pride in her son's success.

PASSAGE III Songs of Love

Proper Names

Billy Joel




John Beltzer




Roger Daltrey

Ronnie Spector


Stevie Wonder

St. Jude



New Words

n. a song that tells a story in simple language 叙事歌谣

binder *
n. folder or container 活页夹

biographical *
adj. 传记(体)的

cast *
n. all the people who act in a play or film 戏剧等的全体演员

commit *
v. do something wrong, illegal or foolish 做(不合法的、错的或愚蠢的事);犯
e.g. This is the man who has committed murder.

n. (medical)透析,渗析

donate *
v. give (money, goods, etc.), especially to a charity; contribute 捐赠;赠送
e.g. How much does the average person donate to charity per year?

ensure *
v. (BrE) insure (AmE) make certain that something will happen 保证,担保
e.g. I ) This new treaty will ensure peace between the nations.
II ) I shall try to ensure that your stay is a pleasant one.

pop *
n. modern music that is popular with young people, and usually consists of simple tunes with a strong beat 现代流行风格(尤指音乐的)
e.g. pop music/culture, a pop singer/song/concert

promotional *
adj. for advertising or publicity 推销的

rap *
n. (AmE) (由电子乐器伴奏的) 吟快板 (指以快节奏念出歌词,与唱有别)

respect *
n. particular aspect or detail 方面
e.g. I ) He had a tendency to lose his temper but, in every other respect, he was a good father.
II ) In this respect, we are a weak nation.

revenue *
n. money that a business or organization receives over a period of time, especially from selling good or services 收入,收益

suicide *
n. killing oneself intentionally 自杀
e.g. The suicide rate among young men is higher than that among young women.

technician *
n. a skilled scientific or industrial worker 技术员;技师

toe *
n. (人的) 脚趾

transplant *
v. 移植

tune *
n. 曲调,曲子

adj. making one feel more cheerful 令人振奋的

venture *
n. a new business activity that involves taking risks 风险项目,风险投资
e.g. a joint venture 一家合资企业

n. singer 歌手(尤指爵士乐队或流行音乐乐队的)

Songs of Love

In many respects one could call John Beltzer the world's most successful songwriter. Every song that he writes is guaranteed to be a real hit—not on the popularity chart[1], but in a child's heart. The reason for this is that every song that Beltzer writes is for a seriously ill child. The songs never fail to make the children smile and to raise their spirits. They also play them over and over. This means more by far[2] to Beltzer than being ranked high on the popularity charts.
Thirty-eight year old Beltzer is the founder and president of Songs of Love, a nonprofit group. This group combines the volunteer efforts of musicians, songwriters, singers, and studio technicians to create unique, happy songs that reflect a child's personality. Beltzer runs the operation and a tiny recording studio from the basement of his parents' home in Queens, New York.
Beltzer believes that music is very healing. When an adult listens to a favoritesong, it makes him feel good; thus when a little child listens to a song written just for him, the result is very uplifting. Since its founding in 1996, Songs of Love has been responsible for the composition, taping, and sending of more than 780 songs to delighted children, all for free. Those receiving the songs range in age from infants to young adults. All are dealing with life-threatening conditions such as cancer, undergoing treatments such as kidney dialysis, or waiting for organ transplants. Most are patients in 60 hospitals around the United States where children's play-therapists[3] regularly request Beltzer's music.
Some famous musicians, after hearing about Songs of Love, have helped in the project. Among the 170 music professionals donating their talents are singer Ronnie Spector[4] and rock star Roger Daltrey[5], as well as the cast members of the Broadway musical[6] Titanic[7]. Pop superstar Billy Joel[8] has made a spoken introduction to a song for a child. Most performers, however, are not famous yet. Songs also have been recorded by New York City police officers and a high school choir.
Music styles vary from toe-tapping pop tunes[9] and country songs to soft ballads and rap. Because Beltzer was born in Brazil and speaks both Spanish and Portuguese, sometimes he has recorded songs in these languages. Before a song is composed for a child, a parent or nurse fills out a sheet telling about the child's interests, hobbies, family, pets, and other favorite things. Beltzer then gives this sheet to a selected writer who combines these details into a song. The child's name is always mentioned at least several times throughout the song. The writers may also provide the vocalists to sing the song and, if possible, record the song on their own equipment or at a local studio that has donated time. The result is a powerful tool for making a child feel better. The illness is never mentioned in the song.
Beltzer has many binders full of grateful letters from children and their parents, describing the reactions when the children first hear their own special songs. Such letters make Beltzer smile because this is exactly what he hopes will happen. He began Songs of Love in honor of his twin brother, Julio, a musician, singer, and songwriter, who committed suicide at age 24 after a struggle with mental illness. Two months before he died, Julio had written a sad ballad with the words, "Songs of love are really what we need to take away our fear."
Unmarried with no children of his own, Beltzer had never thought much about writing songs for children. He says that one day while he was walking down the street the idea came to him and he instantly felt that he could make a success of it. He went home and called St Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He told them he wanted to write songs for seriously ill children, but they said that they could not give out personal information on their patients. However, they said that they did have six pictures of children that had been used for promotional purposes. These pictures had a small amount of biographical information of them. They agreed to send them if he felt he could use them. He received the pictures and wrote six songs in four days. Upon receiving the songs, the hospital called him with high praise. Soon after that the mother of a little girl with cancer called him to thank him and then the little girl herself did so. At that point he knew that this was his "calling"[10].
Today Beltzer and his team compose 30 to 40 songs a month. Unfortunately, a few times the child has died before the song arrived, but the parents tell him the song is a help during their grieving process.
As is true with most charitable ventures, Songs of Love is almost always in need of money. To help in this respect, Beltzer has moved back home to live with his retired parents, who also help support his work. His long-term goal is to offer Songs of Love to patients of all ages, including nursing home residents and the mentally ill. Among other efforts to raise money, Beltzer sells a CD and tape featuring 21 of the charity's compositions for children. The 22nd song is a recording of his brother Julio singing his own "Songs of Love". Beltzer would like to convince either Stevie Wonder [11] or Paul McCartney to sing "Songs of Love"the next time he puts out a CD and a tape, thus ensuring a much bigger sales revenue for the Foundation. Meanwhile, Beltzer himself continues to be the most productive writer in Songs of Love, making sure that all requests for songs written for critically ill children will be met.

Phrases and Expressions

fill out
write information in the spaces as required
e.g. He was getting tired of filling out application forms.

give out
make something known to people
e.g. He wouldn't give out any information.

in honor of
out of respect for somebody or something 出于对某人/某物的尊敬
e.g. The dinner was held in honor of a colleague who was leaving.

in need of
in the situation of needing something
e.g. I was all right but in need of rest.

over and over
e.g. I had to correct her punctuation over and over again.
