
 The bi-annual Global Mobile Internet Conference, also known as GMIC, has kicked off at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. "Mobilizing The Next 5 Billion" is this year’s theme. 

For the highlights of the conference, earlier we spoke to our reporter Grace Brown at the China’s biggest mobile internet event of the year. 
In China, mobile is the key to the internet. According to the China Internet Network Information Center, by the end of 2013, China has 618 million Internet users. Among them, 500 million, 80%, logged on using mobile devices. There are many reasons behind the rise of mobile internet in China. 
But among them, China is still a developing country, while more can afford a mobile phone before a computer. In addition, it’s part of the global trend, while consumers are increasing expectation of having Internet anytime, anywhere. In China this is opening huge opportunities, particularly in instant messaging. 
According to the China Internet Network Information Center, 86% of all Internet users now use apps like WeChat or Weixin in Chinese. A further 70% watch videos on mobile devices. While 42% make payments on their mobile phones. Competition in the sector is also heating up, with flouring deals in recent months. In particular recently, Alibaba and Beijing-based mobile browser, UCWeb announced they will enter into a joint venture. 
Together, they’re creating a new company solely focused on mobile Internet, named "Shenma." It will focus on: mobile messaging, mobile search and mobile browsers. This could put big pressure on China’s biggest search company, Baidu, which holds more than 70% of the search market.