英语听力:自然百科 冰冻星球 前往地球尽头—20(在线收听

 These ice blocks are the size of sky creepers, and this is the bill of more glance with scoten seize man somehow travel on foot. It is one hundred miles long and one of the largest species on earth.

Not nothing could prepare those early ex-dollars for what is about to encounter.
The Antlantic ice cap, the largest expensive ice on the prymid. It's three miles second paces in presence 70 percent of the world fresh water.
From here to the south pole 700 miles away. There is nothing but ice.
I am on the south pole, at the end of my journey. Although, it is main summer, the temperature here is  ...35 degrees below freezen.
It is exactly a hundred years, almost the day, the first human beings stood right here. Amerson followed by Scot. In those days, reaching the pools were regarded as the oddment in human in deva and in euros, and the source of prayed national prize.
Today the power regions have rather difference ignificance, because now we come to understand what happened here and in the north. affect everyone of us. no matter where we live on this planet.