英语听力:自然百科 金星和水星旅行指南 Venus and Mercury-1(在线收听

 Everyone likes a vacation in a warm climate, but how about a trip to two planets that are as hot as hell? 

If you are walking on the surface of Mercury, you need one heck of a spacesuit. 
Mysterious Mercury appears lifeless and desolate, but hidden deep inside is a clue to a different past. 
The smallest planet made out of the dense stuff with the most
lunar-like landscape at its surface, and yet, generating magnetic field. 
But it's nearby Venus, goddess of love, who will really melt your heart and crush your defenses at the same time. 
So, this is the hell, real hell. 
Once the twin of earth, something went wrong here, terribly wrong. 
At some point, Venus had an ocean's worth of water that is now gone. 
What turned Venus from paradise to pressure cooker? Could this really be our future? 
The ultimate fate of the earth is to look like Venus looks today. 
And here, on our own doorstep, there is possibly the greatest survival story of all. 
There is a speculation that Venus might actually still harbor life even though it is such a hostile place. 
There has never been a better time to boldly go where no human has gone before. To follow/ in the footsteps of our robot pioneers and visit/ the planets of the solar system

