英语听力:自然百科 金星和水星旅行指南 Venus and Mercury-17(在线收听

 You never guess the dangers on the ground from orbit, except maybe for this, massive, double-barreled storms hovering above the poles.    Of this, what we called dipole feature’s trailing around, we don't know what, really what they are, but the whole feature/ itself trailing a thousand or 2 kilometers across, it’s not very big, but it has a kind of figure, a type of look to it.    

    Believed to be created by winds that roar around the equator at speeds up to 230 miles per hour, these hurricanes can split into 3 and even 4. And the wild weather doesn't end there, because the hottest planet in the solar system even has snow, but not as we know it.
    All of a sudden in the radar images all the mountains go white, now that’s because there are some kind of high reflective coating, it wouldn't look white to your eyes, if you could actually land on the surface of Venus. It might look shining, because we actually think it might be some sort of metallic coating, almost like a pirate at full escort, so something sparkling, which to me is even better than looking at snow.
    These are just some of the puzzles that the European Space Agency's Venus Express now in orbit is hoping to solve.  As we begin to understand how carbon dioxide controls our climate, there's never been a better time to learn lessons from our neighbor. 
    What you try to solve now would be this very, very dense atmosphere, very complex weather patterns with new data from Venus Express. We are really learning by mapping out in 3 dimensions how the atmosphere behaves.   
    Unprotected by a magnetic shield, Venus is still being robbed of precious water. Venus Express has seen how the solar wind eats away at the atmosphere. 
    You can see that even today that actually water is still escaping in the form of Oxygen and Hydrogen. That’s an indication that there has been water on.(Venus).