
   It is said that life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.

  If this is correct, then are we really living our lives to the fullest? Are we enjoying every moment and giving each one the opportunity to mesmerize us? How many memories can you recollect that left you breathless and in absolute awe? Were you able to count beyond your fingertips? Think about it; 20, 30, 40 or more years, and just a few such moments?
  The problem isn’t that such mesmerizing events rarely occur, but rather it is our lack of being present in the moment that allows us to miss it all. It is often the simplest things in life that are the most magical: from falling in love to watching a child take their first step, moments that make the heart skip a beat are hard to miss if you are paying attention. They aren’t expensive to the pocket and neither do they consume too much time-you just need to be consciously present in the moment to be able to encapsulate the magic that lies within.
  We all know that life can sometimes get overwhelming: from rush hour traffic to the never ending workload, there is always something that needs our attention. As you get stuck in the monotonous everyday rut, take a moment to stop and acknowledge your existence. This isn’t to propose that you drop everything and enter into a state of meditation but rather simply be consciously present in even the most mundane of your everyday activities.
  Life can crawl through you if you let negativity overtake your mind, and it will fly by in the blink of an eye if you get too engrossed in everyday life and fail to recognize and differentiate the you apart from the everything else. It is therefore very important that you find time to nurture yourself and give it the attention it deserves.
  Here are 21 natural ways to re-sync yourself with the universe and enjoy the little joys hidden in each and every moment.
  1. Fall in love - Whether it is with that gorgeous pair of shoes or the guy next door, give yourself permission to let your heart skip a beat.
  2. Smile, giggle and laugh ’til your tummy hurts.
  3. Go on a date with yourself - Dress up, look fabulous and treat yourself with an exquisite evening with yourself.
  4. Say I’m sorry - You know exactly who you should be saying it to.
  5. Give yourself permission to do the things you’ve always wanted to do.
  6. Walk through a garden sprinkler on a hot summer day and recreate a moment of innocent childhood bliss.
  7. Climb a mountain - Literally. Nothing can be more rewarding and humbling at the same time than the experience of having achieved both the height and the realization of being so infinitesimally small. It’s overwhelming. Okay, maybe this one isn’t an instant one, but it is definitely worth the challenge.
  8. Call an old friend and re-live the memories of the past. Could you possibly make life that exciting again?
  9. Watch the ocean tides capture the shore under the shimmering moon light.
  10. Hum your favorite tune.
  11. Stargaze.
  12. Let go - From unfair expectations to resentment, they do you no good.
  13. Trust your instincts.
  14. Send a postcard or a letter through snail mail.
  15. Share your dreams with a close one and listen to theirs.
  16. Have a silent day - Its a great way to learn to reconnect with your inner self again.
  17. Draw, write or paint something - Let your inner artist surprise you.
  18. Read the poems of Rumi and see the universe in a philosophical light.
  19. Introduce yourself to a stranger - There is so much to learn from the similarities and the differences that exist between us and the world around us.
  20. Buy yourself fresh flowers and remember to smell them every now and then.
  21. Dream wild and big - Imagine your perfect life with everything you’ve ever wanted and let yourself conceptualize what is it that your heart truly desires…大胆做梦,拥有大大的梦想--想象你得到了你想要的一切的美好生活,让自己把内心真正渴望的描述出来使其概念化。