美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-05-04(在线收听

 A powerful storm system has struck the central and southern United States. Massive tornadoes ripped through suburbs in norhtern Little Rock, Arkansas as well as Oklahoma. At least a dozen are known dead.

President Obama continues his overseas state visit after landing in the Philippines early Monday morning. Obama is expected to highlight a new ten-year defense pact that would expand the presence of U.S. forces in that country.
Pro-Russians have taken over a local TV station in Donetsk and managed to switch off Ukraine TV to air only Russian TV. The Kiev government last month blocked the broadcasts of Russian channels which serve as propaganda tools for the Krewlin.
And 2 new popes joined the ranks of sainthood as Pope Francis honored Pope John and Pope John Paul II. Pope Francis invited retired Pope Benedict to join him on the altar of St.Peter's Square for this historic moment.
Emily Roseman, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.