美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-05-17(在线收听

 1. County clerks across Arkansas are refusing to hand out marriage license to same-sex couples. After a county judge struck down the state’s ban on gay marriage, more than 200 gay couples have received marriage licenses across the state. But most clerks say they are waiting for a higher court ruling.

2. A wave of deadly car bombings have rocked Baghdad. Iraqi officials say the attacks happened in most Shiite areas of the city. Tuesday’s attacks come a day after a series of blasts killed 14 people. 
3. Clay Aiken is spending his congressional campaign in North Carolina. The former American idol contestant made the decision after his opponent in the Democrat Primary, Keith Crisco died in an accident. 
4. And a Japanese astronaut bid farewell to an unusual friend, a robot named Kirobo. The machine is the first talking humanoid in space and is appearing to live in the international space station and return to earth after a 6-month mission.