美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-05-23(在线收听

 Black shades, creep wear all those names associate with the world wide computer hacking scandal is where we start today's edition of CNN student news. 

Once installed in a victim computer, the black shade will allow users to remotely and secretly gain access to everything under victim's computer including private photographs and documents and even password to online accounts. It could even record every key stroke enter into victim's keyboard to steal credit card and another sensitive information. 
One of the creepiest part about creep wear like that is that many of its victims didn't even know it was on their computers. We are talking of more than half a million people worldwide. Creep wear is a form of mount wear, something that can harm or take control over a computer, and more than 90 people linking to the black shade or creep wear now are behind bars around the world. It's because of one of the largest global cyber cry crack down ever,and though the damage has been done from exdotion to bank fraud and blackmail. the FBI has shut down a site where a black shade were sold.
If there is a zombie, i know, just roll with it for a second,  the Penangan has a plan in place to keep American safe, but haven't helped you if you live outside of the U.S. Ok, here is the deal.The U.S national military has plans to deal with all kinds of disasters, natural events,  catastrophes, military or terrorist attack, so work up a document for dealing with a fresh eating invasion by the walking dead.Why, training, it's a fictional scenario of course, but it will be used to help students to understand how the military plans and coordinates during disasters, where personnel should go, how to restore the rule of law after these Zombies are taking up,  it's not a strategic command plan, but it's teaching tour, and one that sure to get attention.
Today the biggest animal on land is the African elephant, it can grow to be 13 feet high and weigh 14 thousand pounds. That's nothing when you compare to the titanic sour, scientists believe it's as long as two tractor trailers and weigh 180,000 pounds.They recently got some perspective on how big that it is from fossil on south of America. 
Gazilla is back on the top of the boss office since this gigantic lizad is just a fiction. This may have been the real Gizalla of its stay. small by movie standard, but likely the biggest dinosaur to ever run the planet.This is the largest female known from any animal that it's walked on earth. This giant bones are part of amazing discovery on Argentina. they uncovered a new species of titanic sour. A gigantic dinosaur that lives some ninety five million years ago had long neck and long tail. Walk on four legs and eight plants. Scientists call it a truly collasour creature, Weighing the same as 14 elephants. This animal measures up to be 14 meters long and with head upright with a 20 meters tall. equivalent to 17 story building, which is surely the height that it stays . was found in a massive field fossils in virtual dinosaur Semitry.  they found at least seven more remains and hundred of more bones, some of which are now on display nearby museums. Expects are calling the discovery a treasure information, providing a new insight into ancient chapter of earth history.
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