美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-05-30(在线收听

 Welcome to Wednesday’s edition of CNNstudents news, you are half way through the week.I am Carol Azuz. It’s good tosee you.

First up today, there are about 32,000 U.S troopsin Afghanistan plus those of some U.S allies. President Obama announcedyesterday that almost 10,000 American troops will stay in Afghanistan throughnext year. Their role’s changing though. The president says the U.S combatmission ends this year, reminding forces will focus on training Afghan forcesand fighting Al Qaeda terrorists. Afghanistan got to agree to U.S troopsstaying though, it’s current president HK won’t, but the two political candidatescompeting to succeed him say they will. Some republican lawmakers say they areglad that U.S will keep some troops in Afghanistan, but they putting dates ontheir withdrawal could lead to violence afterwards. The U.S official says U.S forcesin Afghanistan would be reduced to about 1000 after the year 2016.
Republican lawmakers are consideringsignificant changes to a child nutrition law passed in 2010. The law’s goal wasto encourage students to eat healthier school lunches; the government requiresschools to use less soldian? in meals and require students to qualify for freeor reduced price meals about 30 million students nationwide to pick up a fruitor vegetables with their lunch. First lady Michelle Obama is a strong supporterof the law. Parents have a right to expect that their kid will get decent foodin our schools and we all have a right to expect that our hard earned tax payerdollars won’t be spent on junk food for our kids. But an official from theschool nutrition association says that they are not pushing for junk food inlunches, they just want the fruit or vegetables requirement dropped, the groupsays there is a lot waste from students picking what they have to to get thefree meal and then immediately throw it away. 
Next story involves plays and law enforcement;technology that has been around maybe a little after the right brothers iscombining with camera surveillance technology. And it’s getting police andupper hand in tracking crime suspects, not everyone is on board with the idea ofpursuing people using an eye in the sky, but it’s having an impact. From thespecially equipped assessors, Ross and his firm persistent surveillance systemscan monitor large sections of cities because they are in the air for hours at atime, they can track back to the moment of the crime or before it. Inwards? ,they met up three or four times prior to the murder including one time rightoutside of the murder scene. In the moment afterwards, we actually can followall of the cars, so we actually can jump over and follow the crime at theshooter got into and see where it goes to. They type in a google earth streetview image to show the police the house where the suspect went to hide, whichhelps the team make an arrest in that shooting. We actually went through 34murders so far and we actually have confessions come to 75%. M’s team has monitoredother high crime city, CC, F, B, they can replicate their operation center inD, Ohio anywhere. In a typical operation, law enforcement officers will sit intheir area monitoring a police scan when a call comes in and the crime has beencommitted, the analysis immediately starts to track back when and where itoccurs, and sometimes the crime can catch up to a suspect in a real time.Dater, 2012, they get words with a burd law tracked the suspect in the whitetruck cause he is getting away. Direct police writes to him, Dater police tripssays the technology helps his depleted force. Allows us to gain data oncriminal offences on which they are not often witness police officers are not thereto prevent. But privacy advocate says the smack of big brother; they mightactually cross the line, this creates opportunity after the fact to look atanybody for any reason.  We areresponding and support law enforcement to report crime only. A says, they areclosely monitoring their own analysis to make sure they are only trackingsuspects.