


The mass killing in Santa Barbara, California that left six people dead has reignited a debate in the U.S. Congress about how to keep guns out of the hands of the seriously mentally ill. Since efforts to regulate gun sales have faltered, some lawmakers are pushing to reform the mental health care system to focus more on those who are severely ill.


Elliot Rodger is believed to have posted video of himself on YouTube before the campus killings in Santa Barbara. His parents warned police about the potential threat posed by his mental illness.

据信,艾略特·罗杰(Elliot Rodger)在圣巴巴拉的校园开枪行凶之前,将一段独白视频放到了YouTube网站上。他的父母也曾经因他精神疾病潜在的威胁而通知过警方。

At a forum on Capitol Hill, Representative Tim Murphy pointed out that before Santa Barbara, there were mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and in Tucson, Arizona. Murphy said all the alleged killers had one thing in common.

在国会山的一个研讨会上,众议员蒂姆·墨菲(Tim Murphy)指出,在圣巴巴拉事件之前,康涅狄克州纽敦市的一所小学、科罗拉多州奥罗拉市的一所电影院和亚利桑那州的图森市,都发生过大规模的枪击。墨菲说,所有这些被指控的凶手都有一个共同点。

"All had untreated or under-treated serious mental illness. All spiraled out of control within a system that lacked the basic mechanisms to help," said Murphy.


Murphy has introduced legislation that would make it easier for families to have seriously ill relatives hospitalized against their will, if they are determined to be a threat to themselves or the community.


Edward Kelley, the father of a severely mentally ill boy who refuses help and often has ended up living on the streets, said he supports the bill.


“I want to tell him that I love him, and I am doing this for him, said Kelley. "Our resume as a family covers 15 years of dealing with our son descending into a madness that is just impossible to describe."


Most experts agree there are too few beds in mental hospitals, and that the seriously ill often end up in crowded emergency rooms or homeless. D.J. Jaffe of the Mental Illness Policy Org said the U.S. also needs to change its spending priorities.

大部分专家认为,精神病院的病床数量远远不足,精神病患者经常会被送到拥挤不堪的急诊室或者露宿街头。“心理疾病政策组织”(Mental Illness Policy Org)的D.J.·杰夫说,美国应当调整开支重点,把钱用在刀刃上。

"My one message is we have to stop ignoring the most seriously ill. We can't go on pretending that they don't exist," said Jaffe.


Democratic lawmakers are proposing a separate bill that would ban people who have been involuntarily hospitalized from buying guns.


"It is a bill that is laser focused on gun violence and mental health," said Representative Mike Thompson.

民主党众议员麦克·汤普森(Mike Thompson)说:“这项议案的核心就是针对枪支暴力和心理健康。”

Former Representative Gabrielle Giffords survived a 2011 mass shooting in her Arizona district where she was shot in the head by a gunman with severe mental illness. She has become a powerful advocate.

前众议员加布里埃尔·吉福兹(Gabrielle Giffords)在2011年的一场枪击事件中头部中枪,所幸大难不死。那次枪击发生她的选区,枪手患有严重精神疾病。从此,吉福兹便成为了一名极具影响里的枪支管控改革的倡导者。

“We must do something.  It will be hard, but the time is now. You must act,” said Giffords.


Some lawmakers say they believe Republicans and Democrats can find common ground on the issue of guns and mental illness to try to prevent future tragedies.

