

Thai Military Stages Pro-Coup Rally in Bangkok 泰军方曼谷举行拥护政变集会

BANGKOK — Several hundred people turned out in Bangkok Wednesday for an entertainment-filled event put on by the Thai military, which carried out a bloodless coup on May 22nd. The performance was seen as a way for the public to show support for the army’s action and serve as a public relations counterweight to sporadic but illegal rallies protesting the military takeover.

曼谷 — 数百人周三在曼谷出席由泰国军方举办的充满娱乐节目的活动。这次活动被看作是一种让公众对军人政变表示支持的方式,并作为对抗议军事政变的零星非法集会的公关抗衡。美国之音记者赫尔曼从泰国首都报告。

Thailand’s junta, which has assumed all legislative and executive powers in the kingdom, ishoping to counter these scenes, which have demonstrated to the country and the world that there is opposition to its coup.


While trying to stifle dissent through a show of force on the streets, media censorship and summoning hundreds of people to turn themselves in, the military is also launching a charm offensive under the banner of “bringing back happiness.”

军方在试图通过在街头显示武力、媒体审查和传唤数百人来压制不同意见,同时也在“回复幸福 ”的旗帜下发动魅力攻势。

In the first such show of good cheer, an army band and uniformed singers entertained the crowd with popular and traditional songs.


A sideshow featured some soldiers dancing with citizens.


There were also opportunities to pose alongside elite members of the armed forces.


Even the cavalry turned up for photo ops.


The most popular attraction, judging by the line, was the serving station for free portions of omelette rice dished out by smiling soldiers.


This all occurred in front of Victory Monument, the venue for several small-scale, non-violent demonstrations against the military’s 12th successful coup since 1932, which pushed aside the caretaker cabinet and the partly-elected Senate.


For many of these Thais, the army chief’s declaration that democracy is on hold for at least a year - is a welcome and overdue move.


 “I am so happy they’re doing this. They should have done it a long time ago," said a woman.

一位妇人说:“我很高兴他们这样做。他们老早就该这样做了。 ”

 “I am happy, as well. They should have taken over previously. I like it. Politics is too complicated," said a man.

一名男子说: “我也很高兴。他们以前就应该接管。我喜欢这个。政治太复杂了。 ”

The master of ceremonies, Sgt. Nimit Supphaprasirt of the Royal Thai Army band, deemed the three-hour concert a success.


“Today we are bringing back happiness to the people. [Bring happiness back to Thailand.] It’s for Thai people to be happy, to smile again. Today we soldiers, the police, all the armed forces - everyone, here is happy," said Supphaprasirt.

他说:“今天我们把幸福给人民带回来了。 (把幸福带回了泰国。 )这是为了让泰国民众快乐,再展笑颜。今天,我们的士兵、警察、全体武装力量 – 所有在这里的人都快乐。”

The military is planning to take this show on the road, with the next concert planned for Sunday in the capital in order to spread the message that Thailand’s latest coup should be equated with happiness.

