
   Many dads can be difficult to shop for, and you may often find yourself stumped each June when thinking about what to get for Father's Day. One way to give Dad a gift he will love is to give a gift from the heart. Find some ideas below that are in the spirit of the holiday and just might bring a tear to Dad's eye.

  If Dad likes to wear jewelry, get him a pair of dog tags engraved with important names and dates. Try a tag with the kids' names and birth dates, the wedding date or the name and birthday of a loved one who has passed.
  Everyone wears T-shirts, so this is a great gift for all the dads in your life. You can go to a picture site like Shutterfly and get a shirt with a favorite picture on the front. Or you can try your hand at the Nike iD. With Nike iD you can get Dri-Fit shirts for the active dad to wear during workouts, and can even get a pair of personalized shoes to say whatever your heart desires (within the character limit).
  每个人都穿T恤,所以这对所有的爸爸来说都是个不错的礼物。你可以访问像快门网这样的图片网站,挑一件T恤然后把你最喜欢的图案印上去。或者你也可以去Nike iD试试手。在Nike iD,你可以买一件吸汗衫送给你热爱运动的爸爸,让他锻炼的时候穿。你甚至可以定制一双个性的鞋子,把你真心话印上去(控制好字数)。
  This is especially good for the dad with older kids. Find some pictures from when the kids were little, scan them onto the computer and upload to a site like Shutterfly or Snapfish. Combine the older pictures with newer images and use the tools on the site to create a photo book full of memories. You can even add your own captions next to the pictures.
  Every dad loves to hear how much he's loved and appreciated by his family -- so why not give him just that? Get a piece of paper and hand-write or type up a list of your top favorite things about Dad, get a mat and a picture frame, and wrap it up. Dad is sure to love this gift and can look to it every day to be reminded how much you love him!
  Capturing those younger years has always been a great way to remember your kids when they were little. Grab a canvas and some paint and make a piece of art that Dad can hang in the home office. You could paint the canvas a solid color and have each of the kids put their handprints on and write the names and ages of all the children next to or inside each handprint.
  If Dad had his heart set on a new video camera, crack it open and tape a video for Dad. Make it funny for the dad who likes to laugh or sweet for the dad who's sentimental. If you have toddlers just follow them with the camera for a couple of minutes and you'll capture a little bit of both. Get creative and take video of anything that is special to Dad -- he'll have a gift to remember long after he stops using that particular video camera.
  BRITISH universities can be depressing. The dons moan about their pay and students worry they will end up frying burgers-or jobless. Perhaps they should try visiting McDonald’s University in London’s East Finchley.
  Students are often “rough and ready”, with poor qualifications and low self-esteem. But ambition-igniting murals display the ladder of opportunity that leads from the grill to the corner office (McDonald’s chief executives have always started at the bottom). A map of the world shows the seven counterpart universities. Cabinets display trophies such as the Sunday Times award for being one of Britain’s best 25 employers.
  McDonald’s is one of Britain’s biggest trainers. It gets about 1m applicants a year, accepting only one in 15, and spends ?40m ($61m) a year on training. The Finchley campus, opened by Margaret Thatcher, then the local MP, in 1989, is one of the biggest training centres in Europe-many of the classrooms are equipped with booths for interpreters. It is part of a bigger system. An employees’ web-portal, Our Lounge, provides training as well as details about that day’s shifts, and allows employees to compete against each other in work-related video games.
  麦当劳是全英国最大的培训机构之一。每年麦当劳会收到100万份左右的求职申请,仅录取其中的十五分之一作为雇员,并出资4000万英镑(6100万美元)用于培训。在首相撒切尔夫人和当地国会议员的支持下,位于东芬奇利区的麦当劳汉堡大学于1989年成立。这所学校是全欧洲规模数一数二的的培训中心,许多教室都配有专门的同传间。芬奇利校区仅仅是麦当劳庞大教育体系中的一个分支。麦当劳专属员工门户网站“我们的休息室(Our Lounge)”在提供训练之余,还有每日轮班详情,员工还可以在网站上一起玩一些同工作有关的游戏。
  The focus is on practicalities. A retired policeman conducts a fast-paced class on conflict management. He shows a video of a woman driven berserk by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time. He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer, and every hand goes up. Students are then urged to share their advice. (“Serve drunks quickly…”).
  培训的重点在于实用性。一名退休的警察在大学内教授冲突管理的快班课程。课上他放映了一段录像,一名女性顾客因早餐时间不能点麦乐鸡而大发雷霆。老师问全班同学是否碰到过这样难缠的顾客,每个同学都举手表示深有体会。之后,老师就要求学生们分享他们的处理建议。(“对醉鬼的顾客,服务一定要快……”)Self-esteem and self-management are on the syllabus, too. Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” is a popular text. A year-long apprenticeship programme emphasising English and maths leads to a nationally recognised qualification. McDonald’s has paid for almost 100 people to get degrees from Manchester Metropolitan University.
  The company professes to be unfazed by the fact that many alumni will end up working elsewhere. It needs to train people who might be managing a business with a ?5m turnover by their mid-20s. It also needs to satisfy the company’s appetite for senior managers, one of whom will eventually control the entire global McDonald’s empire.