

  (1) 同义转换在细节题定位时
  细节题的思路我们已经清楚,我们都把问题分成两部分:找的部分和答案的部分。比如在生态系统的一篇文章中有个题目which of the following principles of ecosystems can be learned by studying a pond?题目的部分是 which of the following principles can be learned,定位的部分by studying a pond。再根据关键点去定位,关键词定位或者关键主干定位。定位的时候我们根据关键词,问什么找什么,但很多同学有个习惯,根据题目中出现的词的“频率”去找原文句子,这是第一步错误原因,因为定位不准确(我们需要根据问的事情去定位,很多同学阅读题目的时候没看清楚问的是什么事情的什么问题,有目标的找答案);第二步进一步错误再根据“可能的相关答案”中和原文句子里面词汇“有重复的词”去找“貌似答案”…这样就容易出现问题,因为错误在于定位的时候不是根据问的问题来定的位。简单的题目比如例一:难度*
  Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established.
  7. According to paragraph 3, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following consequences for soil?
   ○Increased stony content
   ○Reduced water absorption
   ○Increased numbers of spaces in the soil? ○Reduced water runoff
  题目还是分成两部分:①找的是loss of natural vegetation②问的是结果,我们只用这一个点loss of natural vegetation定位就可以了,去找原文的时候就能自然定位到第一句的后半句the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water.答案就是the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water,选B就可以了,因为答案也几乎是原文的。可是遇到这种题目的话例二:难度**
  In contrast to mammals and birds, amphibians are unable to produce thermal energy through their metabolic activity, which would allow them to regulate their body temperature independent of the surrounding or ambient temperature. However, the idea that amphibians have no control whatsoever over their body temperature has been proven false because their body temperature does not always correspond to the surrounding temperature. While amphibian are poor thermoregulators, they do exercise control over their body temperature to a limited degree.
  1. According to paragraph 1, what indicated that amphibians have some control over their body temperature?
   Amphibians can regulate their metabolic rates to generate energy.
   Amphibians use the same means of thermoregulation as mammals and birds do.
   The body temperature of amphibians sometimes differs from the temperature of their surroundings.
   The body temperature of amphibians is independent of their metabolic activity.
  这个题目分成了定位部分和amphibians have some control over their body temperature和问题部分:what indicate;先看定位:直接找amphibians能控制体温是没有原文的直接描述,但是有这么一句话the idea that amphibians have no control whatsoever over their body temperature has been proven false,也就是说,这句话说两栖动物不能控制体温的思想是错误的,也就是我们要的能控制体温的同义转换。因此这时候答案就好找了,必然是后一句的because their body temperature does not always correspond to the surrounding temperature.体温往往和周围环境温度不一致,正确答案选C.这种问题类型大量存在,说明有时候,问的问题往往需要进行一个同义转换的说法才能找到相关语句。再看难度继续加大一些的,这时候关键词上升到概念相关的定位了:
  Paragraph 5: Spartina was transported to Washington State in packing materials for oysters transplanted from the east coast in 1894. Leaving its insect predators behind, the cordgrass has been spreading slowly and steadily along Washington’s tidal estuaries on the west coast, crowding out the native plants and drastically altering the landscape by trapping sediment. Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl that depend on the mudflats. It is already hampering the oyster harvest and the Dungeness crab fishery, and it interferes with the recreational use of beaches and waterfronts. Spartina has been transplanted to England and to New Zealand for land reclamation and shoreline stabilization. In New Zealand the plant has spread rapidly, changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows and reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals that use the marsh.
  9.According to paragraph 5, Spartina negatively affects wildlife in estuaries byO trapping fish and waterfowl in sedimentO preventing oysters from transplanting successfullyO turning mudflats into high marshes and salt meadowsO expanding the marshy fringes of salt meadows这个题目我们还是用基础的细节题思路,把题目分成两部分,定位和问题。定位部分为Spartina negatively affects wildlife in estuaries,问题部分是by doing?方式状语。所以我们首先要找到Spartina是如何负面影响wildlife的。这个题目找原词是没有的,我们只能落实到Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl that depend on the mudflats.和In New Zealand the plant has spread rapidly, changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows and reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals that use the marsh. 两句,因为两句分别是inhospitable to the many fish和reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals,所以具体的方式就只能在这两句中找了。这时候答案就显而易见了changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows,正确答案选C.这就是上升了之后的概念定位,用同义转换了的内容定位。同学们需要多加注意的就是这种题目,原词往往找不到的情况下,找关键否定词,绝对词,比较等方面的同义转换的定位就可以了。
  (2) 同义转换在题目的答案上
  Why is that higher latitudes have lower diversities than the tropics? Perhaps it is simply a matter of land area. The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higher latitudes-a fact that is not always evident when we examine commonly used projections of Earth’s curved surface , since this tends to exaggerate the areas of land in the higher latitudes-and some biogeographers regard the differences in diversity as a reflection of this effect. But an analysis of the data by biologist Klaus Rohde does not support this explanation. Although area may contribute to biodiversity, it is certainly not the whole story, otherwise, large landmasses would always be richer in species.
  1. Why does the author mention “ Klaus Rohde” in the passage?
   To support the argument that large landmasses are usually richer in species than smaller ones are.
   To introduce the argument that there are often factors contributing to species diversity besides land area.
   To cast doubt on whether the tropics actually contain higher species diversity than land at higher latitudes does? To emphasize that biogeographers and biologists differ in their approaches to biodiversity这个题目很明显是个修辞目的题。根据解题思路,看上下文关系,我们发现Klaus Rohde是在转折词之后的,说明这应该是对某一个理论的反驳。我们读完问题问到的这句话,说的主干是尽管地区对生物多样性起到作用,但是这不是事情的全部。看前文的主旨的部分说Why is that higher latitudes have lower diversities than the tropics? Perhaps it is simply a matter of land area.主旨说的是地区决定物种多样性。所以我们在问题里面被问到的到的这句话必然是反对地区决定物种多样性的。我们看答案,却没有一个是说反对这个理论的,但是有这么一个说法说To introduce the argument that there are often factors contributing to species diversity besides land area.,说住了区域之外还有别的因素,也就是对区域是主要原因的一个反驳。因此正确答案选B.
  多次考试刷分,有心的同学会发现,阅读考试同义转化的题目在不断的增加。事实上,随着ETS阅读考试的题目复杂度的变化,在做阅读题目的时候,有的同学会觉得“原来都不知道答案应该是什么,转换了就更不会了”,但通过以上两类题目,老师在这里建议大家,在做题目的时候虽然会遇到同义转换, 但只要做到根据老师说的,先不去看答案,自己先当成问答题自己给一个答案,再根据自己的答案的关键词去寻找ABCD中的你要的答案,这样的话,不管答案是原词还是同义转换,就都能保证正确率了。很多同学都是先不思考答案而先看ABCD都有些什么再去被动定答案,希望同学们去掉这个习惯,有预测性的做题,这样就能不乱不混,做出来题目也能肯定的告诉自己:“我这个题一定对,因为答案和我预期的那个关键点是一样的,它甚至考的是转换了很多的同义改写”。在每一种题目中都会出现类似的转换,我们变被动为主动,提分效果就会更快了。