

Russia Courts Crimea’s Muslims 克里米亚鞑靼人担忧再次被俄罗斯驱逐

MOSCOW — Three months after Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimea, the Russian ruble is now the currency of the peninsula, and half of Crimea’s 2.3 million residents have applied for Russian passports. But there is one cloud on this Black Sea landscape - Crimea’s Muslim minority, the Tatars.

A Moscow show of paintings by Crimean Tatars brings out Russia's elite.


Ravil Gainutdin, Russia's Grand Mufti, or supreme Muslim leader, visited Crimea right after Russia's annexation. He welcomes Crimea's 250,000 Tatars into the family of Russia's 20 million Muslims.


"I very much hope and sincerely pray that in the nearest future we will witness the return of Crimean Tatars to decent living conditions and representation in state run public authorities and state institutions within the Russian federation."



Mikhail Margelov, a member of the Russian parliament's upper chamber reminds reporters that in April, President Vladimir Putin signed a law that rehabilitates Tatars after their mass deportation from Crimea by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in 1944.


But away from the official press conference, artist Mamut Churlu says many Crimean Tatars worry about the return of rule by Moscow.


“People spent the night fully dressed with their luggage ready.They thought they were going to be deported."


May 18 marked the 70th anniversary of the deportations.In Kyiv last month, there were memorials and a rally.


Here people carried a banner reading: “Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians are Brothers.” They chanted: “Ukraine is the most important.”


Up to 15,000 Tatars left Crimea after Moscow took over. Anifer Kursitova, fled with her family to Kyiv.


"It is difficult for us,we hope that we were return to Crimea live there,we are here temporarily,as for us it is two or three times more difficult because in Crimea all rallies were prohibited.”


Mustafa Dzhemilev, the Tatars' leader from Soviet days, called for an end to Russian control of Crimea.


“I hope that in the nearest future Crimean Tatars will have a new date to celebrate, that of the end of occupation."


But that date may be far away.


Sergei Aksyonov, the de facto prime minister of Russia-controlled Crimea, has banned Dzhemilev from returning to Crimea. Last month, Aksyonov banned Tatar gatherings on the anniversary of the deportation. Several took place, but with Russian military helicopters hovering overhead.

俄控制克里米亚实际掌权的总理谢尔盖·阿克肖诺夫已经禁止德兹米列夫再次踏上克里米亚的故土。上个月, 阿克肖诺夫禁止鞑靼人在驱逐周年纪念的集会。虽然一些地方的活动如期举行,但俄罗斯军用直升机已经在上空盘旋密切监视。

If Crimea's Tatar minority feels oppressed, some young men will join other Russian-speaking Muslims fighting in Syria. Last month, a Crimean Tatar jihadist called on Crimean Tatars to come to Syria for military training-or to carry out holy war at home.


"We see now that Muslims and Tatars who went to Crimea and Ukraine have such level of humiliation and here Muslims are proud and walk around freely.”


Back in Moscow, the question is whether the Kremlin can avoid radicalization by giving Crimean Tatars economic aid and political breathing room.

