China’s Humble Maestro Tutors Piano Prodigies(在线收听

China’s Humble Maestro Tutors Piano Prodigies


By Tim Johnson /©2005,

Knight Ridder Newspapers. Distributed by

Tribune Media Services International.


Just over the border from Hong Kong, the shriek of car horns and clatter of machinery fill the air of Shenzhen, China. Once inside the thick doors of the Shenzhen School of the Arts, however, the grating noise dissipates. Through those doors, many young pianists have found their mecca.


A national treasure


A few years back, Shenzhen lured one of China’s most revered, if obscure, piano teachers to the local arts school. He, in turn, brought some promising students.


Today, Dan Zhaoyi is considered a national treasure, a maestro with a knack for catapulting young students to the highest levels of international competition. His students have chalked up an extraordinary number of prizes. At the 2000 Frederick Chopin piano competition in Warsaw, Poland, Dan had two students in the contest’s final round—an almost unheard-of achievement. The winner, Li Yundi, just 18 years old at the time, became the youngest-ever winner of the competition. Li has gone on to play in the world’s great concert halls. Dan’s other finalist, Chen Sa, also is making her mark.


Dan quietly acknowledges that his students have won 27 prizes in recent international competitions, including seven first place prizes. “He has so many students winning international competitions now that he is getting very, very famous,” says Zhou Guangren, a friend who teaches at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and often judges worldwide music competitions.


As Dan’s renown spreads, requests pour in from the United States, Japan and Europe for him to sit on juries for competitions and attend international events. Often, he offers a polite refusal. “I don’t speak English. It’s a language barrier. So I decline,” Dan explains in Mandarin with a pronounced Sichuan province accent. “I’d rather tend to my students.”

Vocabulary Focus

dissipate (v) [5disipeit] to disappear gradually

catapult (v) [5kAtEpQlt] to suddenly thrust someone or something into a

particular state, such as fame

chalk up (idiom) to achieve something, such as points or a victory

make one’s mark (idiom) to make people notice one or one’s achievements; to have an important effect on something


Specialized Terms

maestro (n) 音乐大师;大音乐家 a person who is very skilled in an art, especially composing, directing, teaching or performing music (Italian for “master”)

prodigy (n) 奇才;天才 someone with a very great ability, which usually shows itself when that person is a young child

Frederick Chopin 肖邦 (18101849) widely considered one of the greatest composers for the piano; Chopin’s musical talent became apparent very early and he was often compared with the childhood genius Mozart

conservatory (n) 音乐学校;戏剧学校 a school for the teaching of music or sometimes acting or art

jury (n) 评审委员 a group of people chosen to decide the winner of a competition


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