How to Be a Good Leader(在线收听

How to Be a Good Leader

By jack Welch, LLC.

Reprinted by permission of

HarperCollins Publishers


During his long career as General Electric CEO, Jack Welch mentored a generation of future CEOs. Here, he gives his “rules of the games”



One day, you become a leader. On Monday, you’re talking and laughing with colleagues and gossiping about how stupid management can be. Then on Tuesday, you are management. You’re a boss.


During my talks with students, managers and entrepreneurs, leadership questions invariably were asked. “What does a leader really do?” and “I was just promoted and I’ve never run anything before. How can I be a good leader?” These kinds of questions have pushed me to make sense of my own leadership over 40 years. I ran teams with only three experienced people and divisions with 30,000. I managed businesses that were dying and ones that were bursting with growth. And yet, some ways of leading always seemed to work. These became my eight “rules.”


1.      Leaders relentlessly upgrade their team.


The team with the best players usually does win. That is why, very simply, you need to invest the vast majority of your time and energy as a leader in three activities.


Evaluate: Make sure the right people are in the right jobs, support and advance those who are, and move out those who are not.


Coach: Guide, critique and help people improve their performance in every way.


Build self-confidence: Pour out encouragement, care and recognition. Selfconfidence energizes and gives people the courage to stretch, take risks and achieve beyond their dreams.


2.      Leaders make sure people not only see the vision, but they also live and breathe it.


Leaders have to set the team’s vision and make it come alive. How do you achieve that? First of all, no jargon. Targets cannot be so blurry they can’t be hit. You have to talk about the vision constantly to everyone. If you want people to live and breathe the vision, “show them the money” when they do, be it with salary, a bonus or significant recognition.

Vocabulary Focus

invariably (adv) [in5veEriEb(E)li] always; unchangingly

relentlessly (adv) [ri5lentlisli] continuing in a severe or extreme way

pour out (v) to express something without holding back


许美鸾 译








1. 领导者提升团队不遗余力。






2. 领导者务必使属下不仅看到远景,而呼吸生活于其中。

