英文歌曲:浪漫爵士 奶茶香,放松+慵懒 Silje Nergaard(在线收听

浪漫爵士:奶茶香,放松+慵懒 Silje Nergaard

这是一把来自挪威的爵士女声——Silje Nergaard,不知道用如何的字眼来形容她,美丽、高贵、灵雅……却又死命地追随在她那显得低沉的歌声中,是一种叫贴心的温暖,总会在夜里令胡思乱想的心,于瞬间渐渐地回暖起在一个冰冷的基点中。如果说,爵士音乐像一杯咖啡,需要细味;那么,Silje Nergaard的歌声就是一杯加了冰的薄荷酒,冰而不冷,酒精在过喉之后,缓慢地灼热了身体内的每一根血管或神经。

Artist: Silje Nergaard
Song: So Sorry For Your Love

It's as plain as the nose on your face
Nobody can deny
That sorrow must find its rightful place
But why am I so sorry for your love

I could write a book on regret
None of it would apply
The answers would all be there and yet
Not why I am so sorry four your love

I need hardly mention
The very best intentions
Pave the road to you know where
Downhill from the start
IE would grieve my caring heart
To know that it has sown despair

I would give my whole world to return
Be at the start knowing why
It had to end this way
And maybe learn day by day
Just why I am so sorry for your love
