英语歌曲:淡淡的怅惘,浓浓的青春 The Perishers - Trouble Sleeping(在线收听

淡淡的怅惘,浓浓的青春The Perishers - Trouble Sleeping

The Perishers  来自瑞典,1997年由四个男孩在一个Umea的小地方成立。乐队有着纯朴的气息,田野的色彩融化在音乐中,有淡淡的怅惘,也有浓浓的青春;主唱那酒酿般酣纯的嗓音配上内敛伤感歌词,再加上从不轻易叫嚣的音乐氛围,很容易打动每一颗柔软脆弱的心灵....

The Perishers - Trouble Sleeping

I'm having trouble sleeping
You're jumping in my bed
Twisting in my head
Leave me

I'm having trouble breathing
You're sitting on my chest
I sure could use the rest
Leave me

It's you
Why's it always you
and never me?
I've never dared to let
my feelings free
Why's it always you
and never me?
I've never cared
too much about honesty

I'm having trouble sleeping
I'm thinking of what you said
About the tears been shed
Leave me

It's you
Now and always you
but never me
I've never dared to
let my feelings free
Why's it always you
and never me?
I've never cared
too much about honesty
