伤感歌曲:宛若天堂,美丽而遥远The Moon is a Harsh Mistress(在线收听

伤感爵士:宛若天堂,美丽而遥远The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

由知名音乐人Steve Dobrogosz钢琴伴奏,Radka主唱的这张大碟,Radka那缠绵动人、沾糖裹蜜的歌声,总是彻头彻尾流露出几许淡淡的忧愁,在晶莹剔透、和谐丰满的琴音背后,隐匿着的是一份浑然天成的音乐感染力,闻者不由暗自神伤、泫然欲泣.....色不迷人人自迷,顶极的录音效果,赤裸裸的呈现在偶门眼前,真实到无以复加.....

Artist: Radka Toneff
Song: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

See her as she flies
Golden sails across the sky
Close enough to touch
But careful if you try
Though she looks as warm as gold
The moon's a harsh mistress
The moon can be so cold

Once the sun did shine
And lord it felt so fine
The moon a phantom rose
Through the mountains and the pine
And then the darkness fell
The moon's a harsh mistress
It's hard to love her well

I fell out of her eyes
I fell out of her heart
I fell down on my face, yes I did
And I tripped and I missed my star
And I fell and fell alone
The moon's a harsh mistress
The sky is made of stone

The moon's a harsh mistress
She's hard to call your own
