Information Overload(在线收听

Information Overload


By Robert S. Boyd

© Knight Ridder Newspapers.

Distributed by Tribune Media

Services International.


Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information these days?



Ever feel overwhelmed by the deluge of information flooding the world today? It’s no wonder. Researchers say that the amount of new words, sounds, pictures and numbers produced and stored on paper, film or computer disks has almost doubled in three years.


According to a study by Peter Lyman and Hal Varian, political scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, the supply of new material saved in 2002 alone would fill half a million libraries the size of the U.S. Library of Congress—the world’s largest collection of books and papers—if it were all converted to print.


“Our intent was to quantify people’s feeling of being overwhelmed by information and to look at trends,” Lyman said. “People had no sense of why this was happening or where the growth was.”


The recent explosion of recorded data, after centuries of steady but much slower growth, can be traced, in large part, to two factors:


The computer revolution, which has made it possible to capture and save vast quantities of information in ones and zeroes, the binary alphabet of the digital age.


The growth of research in astronomy, nuclear physics and biology, such as the Human Genome Project. Experts figure that in recent decades the number of scientific papers published has been doubling every three years.


The information glut may be making it harder to find useful, dependable material among the tidal wave of data bombarding people’s senses, Lyman fears. In addition, more sensitive personal data—medical and financial—are being captured and stored by the government and private companies.


“The problem is not so much the mass of information as the possible misuse of it,” Lyman said. “There’s no more privacy.”


Vocabulary Focus

vast (adj) [vB:st] extremely big in size or amount

glut (n) [^lQt] a supply of something that is much greater than is needed or wanted

bombard (v) [5bCmbB:d] to attack or hit something or someone with a continuous amount of something


Specialized Terms

binary (adj) 二进制 consisting of two parts; relating to a system that uses only two symbols, 0 and 1

nuclear physics (n phr) 核物理 the study of the internal structure, forces and behavior of an atom’s nucleus and how it interacts with other nuclei




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