妹子收集上万Hello Kitty 为“猫”拒绝男友(在线收听

   Obsessive, compulsive Hello Kitty collector Natasha Goldsworth inhabits a house bulging with 10,000 pieces of pink, fluffy, glittery merchandise.

  Hello Kitty的狂热收集者娜塔莎·葛兹沃斯住在一间堆了10000件Hello Kitty商品的房子里。
  Her home is so stuffed, in fact, there is not an inch of space to let real-life romance in.
  The 29-year-old Brit from Exeter, Devon told The Sun, she started collecting the cuddly cat 15 years ago when she was given a red Hello Kitty notebook as a present.
  这名29岁的英国人来自德文郡的埃克塞特。15年前,她收到一只红色Hello Kitty礼物,并从此开始收集这种可爱猫咪。
  She recalled: “From that moment on I just thought, ‘I love that cat, I have to have more of that cat.”
  她回忆道:“那时候我在想,我爱它,我一定要有更多的Hello Kitty。”
  Her apartment is now an explosion of wide-eyed white-and-pink jewelry, furniture, bedding, clothing, kitchenware, with 4,000 plush toys in crammed into every conceivable space.
  她的公寓装满了Hello Kitty主题的饰品、家具、床上用品、餐具和4000个毛绒玩具。每一个可能的角落都被这些东西所占据。
  In fact, she’s spent more than $84,000.
  It seems that men have drawn a line when they discover Natasha’s hobby.
  “Some can’t cope with it at all,” she said. “They feel very uncomfortable. They don’t know where to sit or where to look.”
  Not that Natasha really cares. She added, “If a man doesn’t like my kitty kingdom then I’m not interested.”
  但她并不在乎,她补充道:“要是一个男人不喜欢我的Hello Kitty王国,我也对他不感兴趣。”