彭蒙惠英语:Hire Your Cat as Your Personal Trainer(在线收听

Hire Your Cat as Your Personal Trainer


By Jean Anne Forsythe /

© Cat Fancy, September 2004


Why pay for a personal trainer? Just copy your cat’s movements.


If you want to be in shape, learn from your cat. Cats instinctively exercise to stay fit: They run, leap, stretch, climb, balance and relax. Consistently practice some of these simple exercises and you may find yourself feeling more supple, graceful and fit.


Cat pose. Cats stretch every day to keep themselves limber and flexible. Get on your hands and knees. Slowly exhale and pull your stomach as far into your spine as you can, raising your back up and dropping your head down to make an arch. Then inhale, lowering your back, pushing your ribs and stomach toward the floor, and raising your tailbone and head. Repeat five or six times. This stretch will help reduce tightness in your back and shoulders.


“Cat walk” balance. Find a place where you can walk in a straight line. Slowly place one foot directly in front of the other. Hold your arms up for balance, if needed. Stop occasionally, raise one foot off the ground, and balance on the other foot.


Kitty kickboxing. Plant your feet firmly. Make your hands into fists and push your arms out, one at a time, in quick jabs. Do several with each arm, or alternate arms. Try moving around as you jab, eventually adding front, side and back kicks. Initially keep your kicks low, and raise them as you become more fit.


Relaxation. After performing the previous exercises, walk around slowly until your breathing returns to normal. Then, curl up in your favorite spot. If your cat jumps onto your lap, focus on it, feeling the softness of its fur and listening to its purr. If you drift off, that’s fine. What better way to relax than a catnap!




instinctively (adv) [in5stiNktivli] relating to the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it

supple (adj) [5sQpl] bending or able to be bent easily; not stiff

alternate (v) [C:l5tE:nit] to happen or exist one after the other repeatedly

drift off (v phr) to gradually start to sleep


Specialized Terms

kickboxing (n) 跆拳道 a sport and martial art in which competitors hit and punch each other, like in boxing, and kick each other with their feet, like in karate; adapted as an exercise routine of hitting and kicking

catnap (n) 小睡片刻,打盹 a short sleep
















