彭蒙惠英语:Ice Cream Slims Down(在线收听

Ice Cream Slims Down



The sweet substitute

The key ingredient in most of the better-foryou ice creams is “Splenda”, the sugar-based sweetener made from sucralose. It passes through the body without being broken down for energy, so it adds zero calories (vs. 15 for a teaspoon of sugar), and the body does not recognize it as a carbohydrate. Splenda was approved for use in ice cream in 1998 by the Food and Drug Administration. Since then, it’s become a staple of almost every no-sugar or low-sugar brand.


But some nutritionists are slow to jump on the ice cream industry’s better-for-you bandwagon.


The ice cream giants don’t suddenly care about nutrition, says Marion Nestle, New York University’s nutrition department chair. “They’re just trying to sell more ice cream.” Many consumers who purchase the betterfor- you ice creams will mistakenly think they can eat more of it. “Nothing would delight the companies more,” Nestle says.


31 flavors, no low-carb

One of the most familiar names in ice cream, Baskin-Robbins, hasn’t joined the fray—yet. It’s trying to create a low-carb product, but none has passed the taste test, says Ken Kimmel, concept officer at Baskin-Robbins. “If we get it right, we’ll start selling it,” he says. Until then, don’t look to save on carbs at Baskin-Robbins. The irony is that the company isn’t feeling pressured: “We’re having one of our best years in a long time,” says Kimmel.


Perhaps that’s no irony at all. Nestle, the nutritionist from NYU, says she always prefers real ice cream—in moderation. But, she warns, any ice cream, no matter how few carbs it contains, is, in the end, a dessert.


“Ice cream,” she sighs, “will never be a health food.”


Vocabulary Focus

jump on the bandwagon (idiom) to join an activity or change an opinion to a very popular one in order to share in its success

fray (n) [frei] an energetic and often not well organized effort, activity, fight or disagreement

irony (n) [5aiErEni] a situation that is strange because it is the opposite of what one expects






大多数优适你冰淇淋的关键成分是 Splenda,一种由蔗糖素提炼的甜味剂。它虽经过人体,却不会被分解成为能量,所以不会增加卡路里(相对地,一茶匙的糖则会产生15卡的热量),而且人体不会把它视为碳水化合物。Splenda 1998年被美国食品及药物管理局许可使用于冰淇淋中。从此,它就成为几乎所有无糖或低糖品牌的主要成分。





最有名的冰淇淋品牌之一,Baskin-Robbins,并未加入这场战局——迄今还没有。该公司负责企划的肯恩·金莫说,他们正尝试开发一种低碳水化合物产品,但都还没有通过品尝试验。如果口味搞定了,我们就会开始销售,他说。在那之前,别指望从 Baskin-Robbins 的产品里少吃一些碳水化合物。出人意料的是,该公司并未因此感到压力,我们正处于长久以来最好的一段销售时期,金莫说。




