彭蒙惠英语:Coco Chanel: Number One(在线收听

Coco Chanel: Number One


By Dorothy Rompalske / This article

was published originally in Biography

Magazine. © 1998. A&E Television

Networks. All rights reserved.


How Coco Chanel invented herself and reinvented fashion.



The shoulder bag, the cardigan, costume jewelry, the little black dress; all are such basic elements in the modern woman’s wardrobe that it’s hard to believe they were the innovations of a single fashion designer, Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel. Though she’s remembered today primarily for the quilted bags, boxy knit suits, and exquisite perfumes that bear her distinctive interlocking “C” logo, Chanel’s influence reached far beyond her role as purveyor of luxury goods for the rich. By transforming the fabrics, cuts and practical designs of menswear into sporty ensembles for the free-spirited flapper of the teens and twenties, Coco Chanel revolutionized fashion. Her clothes liberated women from the constricting corsets and tight skirts of the Edwardian Era.


Chanel’s beginnings

Jeanne Gabrielle Chanel was born on August 19, 1883. When her mother died in 1895, and her father left, Gabrielle ended up living as a charity ward in Catholic convents where the nuns did her a tremendous service—they taught her how to sew.


By age 20, the young woman had found work as a seamstress, sewing military uniforms for soldiers. But it was after working hours, while accompanying officers to local nightclubs, that Chanel found a more exciting calling. The petite charmer decided to become a chanteuse. Her big number, “Who’s Seen Coco in the Trocadero?” was performed with enough style to make up for her lack of talent, winning Chanel both her nickname—Coco—and her first rich admirer, Etienne Balsan.


With Balsan’s help, Chanel moved to Paris and in 1909 opened her first business, a millinery shop specializing in sleek, streamlined hats that were the complete opposite of the oversized, elaborate headdresses then in vogue. Her instinct was dead-on. Parisian ladies were ready for a change and Chanel’s hats were an instant success.


Vocabulary Focus

purveyor (n) [pE5veiE(r)] a business or person that provides goods or services

ward (n) [wC:d] a person, especially a child, who is legally put under the protection of a court of law or a guardian

vogue (n) [vEu^] a fashion or general liking, especially a temporary one

dead-on (adj) [5ded5Cn] exactly right


Specialized Terms

cardigan (n) 针织毛衣外套 a knitted sweater or jacket that fastens at the front with buttons or a zipper, and is usually worn over other clothes

flapper (n) 20世纪20年代时髦独立的年轻女郎 a fashionable young woman in the 1920s, especially one showing independent behavior

corset (n) 紧身束腰内衣(马甲) a tight piece of underwear worn on the middle part of a woman’s body to make her waist appear smaller, especially popular in the past

chanteuse (n) 女歌手 a female singer, especially one who sings on the stage in a theater or bar

millinery (n) 女帽,女帽店 hats and other goods sold at a women’s hat shop














经由巴桑的帮助,香奈儿搬到巴黎,并在1909年开了她的第一家店—— 一家女帽店,专门销售与当时所流行的尺寸超大、样式复杂的帽饰完全相反的简洁、线条利落的帽子。她的直觉完全正确。巴黎女士们正期待改变,因而香奈儿的帽子一炮走红。


