听歌学英语: 无条件的爱 Unconditional Love(在线收听

听歌学英语: 无条件的爱 Unconditional Love

Peter Andre,这位以流行舞曲起家的歌手在90年代末期已经渐渐消失在聚光灯下,过去六年来甚至没有唱片公司愿意签他,结果这位原本已经被贴上“过气”标签的歌手去年年底因为参加了一个英国的名人版生存游戏电视节目"I'm A Celebrity… Get me Out Of Here",结果咸鱼大翻身,一瞬间又回到英国最受欢迎艺人之列,甚至一首八年前的老歌Mysterious Girl还因此回锅登上英国单曲榜的冠军。

I was already there
Just in another place
Destiny hadn't brought us face to face
What I didn't realize
Is how you would change my life
Turn me from a boy to a man
Becoming a father before I became a dad
Wish I was there for your first breath
Wish I could've helped with your first step
But I'm here now
Unconditional love
I finally understand the meaning of it now
It's Unconditional love
I pray that life will always treat you kind
Unconditional love
How could a man not wanna claim his own
Leaving a mother to raise a child alone
Maybe it was destiny
Maybe you were made for me
With everything that comes along
I'll give you my word, I'll take it on
When the world doesn't see you like I do
I'll be the eyes that guide and see you through
In the night when you cry and you call out my name
You will realize there's love surrounding you
