彭蒙惠英语:The Ultimate Pitching Machine(在线收听


The Ultimate Pitching Machine




Using technology to improve


Pitching employs a coordinated sequence of body movements. The goal at ASMI is to identify and remove any inefficiencies from a pitcher’s delivery, while reinforcing characteristics demonstrated by the best pitchers. Great pitchers are highly flexible, with stable joints and a good range of motion. Leg strength is paramount. The legs generate the power that’s passed up to the hips, trunk, chest and arm.


This is where ASMI’s analytical process comes in. The Institute harbors a cavernous motion-capture lab that looks like a movie studio—and with good reason. The 3-D optical system is a version of the setup used for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.


Capturing a pitcher’s delivery is a simple procedure. Fifteen reflective markers are affixed at key joints on a pitcher’s body. The player stands on a mound and throws 10 pitches. The infrared cameras track each of the markers in 3-D and send the data to a workstation.


Researchers can precisely measure previously unquantifiable aspects of pitching—everything from the angular velocity of the arm at the shoulder joint to tension on the knees and elbows.


Making sense of it all


The trickiest part of ASMI’s analysis comes in making use of the data. “If you say to a pitcher, ‘Your hips are traveling 600 degrees per second and your torso is traveling 1,500 degrees per second,’ that’s not going to mean anything,” says New York Mets’ pitching coach Rick Peterson. “Good pitching isn’t analytical like that.”


Rather than filling his pitchers’ heads with numbers, Peterson has devised exercises to encourage good habits and correct mechanical flaws. His players go through their delivery in slow motion to develop a “muscle memory” of what feels right and what doesn’t.


Peterson has been taking his charges to ASMI for years. Lately more and more teams have followed him there—a new generation of managers, coaches and players turning to technology and scientific methods to build, manage and train winning teams.


Vocabulary Focus

employ (v) [im5plCi] to use something for a particular purpose

paramount (adj) [5pArEmaunt] more important than anything else

unquantifiable (adj) [7QnkwCnti5faiEbl] impossible to determine the amount, extent or number

charge (n) [tFB:dV] a person for whom one is responsible


Specialized Terms

torso (n) 躯干 the main part of the human body without the head, arms or legs







这就是美国运动医学协会进行分析的部分。协会里设有一个看起来像摄影棚一样的洞穴内动作追踪实验室,而这是很有道理的。此处的 3-D 视觉系统类似电影《魔戒三部曲:王者再临》使用的系统。

捕捉投手投球的过程很简单。将15个具反射性的标志贴附在投手身上的重要关节部位。球员站在投手板的小丘上投出10球。红外线摄影机以 3-D 方式追踪每一个标志,然后将资料送回工作站。








* 译注:“硬科学”(hard science)指的是数学、化学、物理方面的科学,有别于管理学、统计学、决策科学等“软科学”(soft science)。


