听歌学英语:离别 Leaving(在线收听

听歌学英语:离别 Westlife - Leaving

西城男孩组合是英国流行音乐史上唯一一支头七支单曲空降榜首的乐队,并且他们在世界范围内曾售出过四千万张专辑。这首《Leaving》收录在Westlife于2009年底发行的专辑《Where We Are》中。细腻的歌词加上伤感的曲调很好地诠释了即将分手的恋人的心情。

Watching the clock on the wall
Been a while since you called
I can't help but wait
It's late and I can't get no sleep

Something's different this time
It just doesn't feel right
Have we broken in two?
Am I really gonna lose you tonight?

You come walking in
Tears in your eyes
Pretending like it's alright

But I know you're leaving
I know that smile
I can tell you've been crying
You're gonna say goodbye

I wish I could stop you
But you've made up your mind
I beg you don't go
But I already know
You're leaving

Where does the time go?
Between goodbye and hello
How did we come to this
Is there something we missed along the way

With your bags at the door
I wanna pull you in close
And hold you once more even though

I know you're leaving
I know that smile
I can tell you've been crying
You're gonna say goodbye

I wish I could stop you
But you've made up your mind
I beg you don't go
But I already know
I know you're leaving

Here come the sleepless nights
Here come the tears I'm gonna cry
Here comes the last goodbye leaving us behind
Oh this can't be right

I know you're leaving
I know that smile
I can tell you've been crying
You're gonna say goodbye

I wish I could stop you
But you've made up your mind
I beg you don't go
But I already know
I know you're leaving

Been a while since you called:此处是省略句。完整的句子应该是:It's been a while since you called.离你打来电话已过去许久。

It's late and I can't get no sleep:夜已深,我却睡意全无。此处,can't get no sleep是双重否定表否定,睡不着。

It doesn't feel right:有点不对劲;感觉有点不对。

come to sth:达到某种状况/坏的局面
How did we come to this?我们怎会落得如此结局呢?
The doctors will come to operate if it proves necessary.必要时医生会施行手术。
Who'd have thought things would come to this?谁会想到事情竟然会变成这种样子呢?

along the way:沿途;一路上
Is there something we missed along the way?难道一路上我们有所错过。
go a long way towards doing sth:作用很大
The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem.新的法律十分有助于解决这一问题。
work your way up:逐步升职;按部就班晋升
He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive.他从送信员一步步晋升为客户经理。

Here come the sleepless nights.无眠之夜即将侵袭而来。
I've had a few sleepless nights recently.最近我有好几个晚上没有睡觉。

leave sb/sth behind:永久离开;超过
Here comes the last goodbye leaving us behind.最后的离别即将把我们的记忆尘封。
She knew that she had left childhood behind.她知道童年已一去不复返了。
Britain is being left behind in the race for new markets.英国在开拓新市场方面正被甩在后面。

be gonna do sth: be going to do sth即将做某事
You're gonna say goodbye.你将要离开了。

make up one's mind:做出决定
I wish I could stop you.But you've made up your mind.我想让你回心转意,但是你心意已决。
make up for sth:弥补;补偿
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.失去一个孩子是任何东西都无法弥补的。
make up (to sb) for sth:对某人表示歉意;给以补偿
How can I make up for the way I've treated you.我这样对你,该怎么向你表示歉意呢?
